Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

I hope you're having a good start to the New Year, whether you're shooting off fireworks, pounding mochi, watching a ball or something else drop, or whatever. We're doing well. I hoped to bake mochi (Japanese rice flour pastries) tonight, but I'll just have to do that tomorrow. No, baking it isn't traditional, but I'm not Japanese. {wink, Smile}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, etc.

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a good time, if you celebrate it, of course. {SMILE}
If you celebrated Yule a few days ago instead, I hope you had a good time then. {SMILE}
If you're still ramping up to the really big bash on New Year's Eve, I hope your preparations are going great, and you have a really good time next week. {SMILE}
And if you're doing what a few neighborhoods in my town do: started your party a little before Christmas and plan to keep going until after New Year's, I hope your party is going well, and continues to do so! {BIG SMILE, wink}
If you didn't do anything above, I hope you've still had some good days, and continue to do so. {SMILE}
Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I was just Telling Chicory thru her blog that I feel like a four-legged stool with only three legs. When things go good, I’m okay, but it doesn’t take much to make me tumble. (Emotionally speaking; my permanent vertigo is neither better nor worse than usual. {cross fingers}

Anyway, I’ve taken another emotional tumble for little reason. Ouch! {WINCE}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Expanded links

In case you're curious where else I'm active on the web, I just expanded the list of places I hang out. I also moved that list to the top of my sidebar, where it's much more noticeable. {Smile}

Not that I'm all that active on Facebook, but it's a good way to find out what I'm up to on Goodreads without actually joining Goodreads. {shrug, Smile}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

Monday, December 2, 2013


My glue arrived today! {REALLY BIG GRIN, HUMONGOUS GRIN}

Oh, I know it’s silly to get excited about glue, but this isn’t student’s white glue, or even carpenter’s wood glue. Those you can find in many stores in most decent-sized town. No, this is acid-free book binder’s glue. (I’d had some, but mine had gone lumpy. I’m not using that glue, not even the still-liquid parts around the lumps.) There was one store in Hilo that carried it maybe a decade ago, but I think they closed. So it was make a special trip that would quite likely be fruitless, or hop on the web. I found DEMCO, a library supplies firm I’ve ordered from before, and they still had the kind I’d ordered before. It did work great, until it went lumpy. However, Amazon had some, too, and they’ll give you free shipping on large-enough orders. DEMCO won’t, and they will insist you give them your phone number if they’re going to send you anything. Amazon doesn’t. So I ordered a pint from Amazon, along with some acid free coverboards and a friend’s book that I’ve been meaning to order, to make the order big enough to qualify for that free shipping.

They wrote back promising to send the coverboards immediately, and the glue with the book when it comes out in January.

{groan, rub face} It’s the glue I want immediately! The coverboards can wait; Mom wants a paperback cause it’s lighter and takes less space. So I ordered another pint, and a few books that have been sitting on my wishlist long enough to be in danger of dropping out of print. They promised to send that order more promptly, glue and all. {Smile}

I still expected them to show up around the middle of the month. Nope. Today I got two packages. One had the coverboards, and the other had four books and both pints of glue. Yes, both pints. I’m not quite sure how that happened, but I’m certainly not complaining! {SMILE}

Anyway, now I can bind the booklet I promised to Mom. I can also bind a couple of books I found on the web that appear to be in the public domain that I think she’ll like. But she won’t get those until one or another of the upcoming gift occasions. With Christmas on December 25th, her and Dad’s anniversary on December 27th, and her birthday on January 21st, we have enough occasions coming soon. {SMILE}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin