Friday, February 21, 2025

Daily Update, February 20, 2025

On Thursday, I had online counselling just after breakfast. It was a particularly productive session. We're getting a better understanding of my anxiety with the help of her questions. {Smile}

Then around lunchtime, my tech friend came over and put the replacement drive into my computer. She also taught me how to use a freestanding hard drive I have, especially the tricky unplugging part at the end of using it, since it's not supposed to be plugged in most of the time. {Smile}

I didn't get to my exercise again. Well, the next day is physical therapy. That will get me back to it. {Smile}

Before counselling I read a couple of articles. After counselling I played Cross Stitch World right into lunch. Then my tech friend came before lunch was quite finished, so I finished lunch quickly while she got started. After she left, I read web comics and wrote some of Wednesday's daily update before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten with Pierogies, and recognized the low-level character Pierogies was on. I got the low-level character who'd been working through a favorite set of story arcs with that character. We finished the last story arc in the set with a bit of time to spare before dinner. Pierogies left, ready for a break. I did a little paperwork and said hi to Dennis when spotted him as I was leaving for dinner. Dennis thought he might be on after my dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I dashed right back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. Since I didn't see Dennis, I started with paperwork. Then I finished writing up Wednesday's daily update. Next, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I settled into playing by myself on a low-level character. I broke to get snacks and such and came back to find Kitten and Dennis trying to get me to join them. I joined them for some Valentine's missions, different ones than I have been concentrating on. After a while, Phonso came, asking about the new seasonal missions. He joined us while we finished the mission we'd started, then we switched to the other kind of mission, except Kitten dropped out. Dennis only did one mission before heading to bed, but Phonso and I ran several missions, until both his character and mine had all five badges. Then Phonso left, and I did some paperwork. After that, I went back and forth between making notes in this and playing Cross Stitch World until the notes were done, and Cross Stitch World reached a good stopping point. That's when I went to bed. {Smile}