Monday, I stayed home. I did call my doctor, and on the third try, the nurse practitioner answered. I told her my eye was better but not well, and she said she'd prescribe another week of antibiotics. I'll have to pick it up tomorrow; I'll only miss one day that way. {smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was pretty much awake when I got there. She seemed interested in the pictures, and even said she liked things a couple of times, though not as often as yesterday. I think the visitors and the phone call did her good. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I four cards, from her nephew, her sister, church, and myself. After that, I continued _Cats Galore: A Compendium of Cultured Cats_. Next, I skipped over "The Fir Tree" because I doubted that she'd like the ending and read "The Little Mermaid" in _Five-Minute Stories: Over 50 Tales and Fables_ instead. I'd be concerned about the original version of "The Little Mermaid," but I know this book doctored the ending to make it more palatable. I ended with the 18th of March's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Caroline's Wish." {Smile}I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my head exercises after we were done teaming for the evening. Then, after a short rest, I did the full 8 1/2 minutes of my regular salsa dancing warmup set for the first time since I got the root canal officially finished. After a rest, I did my standing arm weight training exercises, and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After another rest, I did my other three sitting arm weight training exercises. I'm pretty happy with how this is coming along. {Smile}
I finished Sunday's daily update after breakfast. Then I read some comics and played some Cross Stitch World around the phone calls and over lunch. I cleaned myself up a while after the phone calls were done. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dark and Kitten. I talked with both and teamed up with Dark. Kitten joined us after a while. Dark left because he was tired when I needed to leave to read to Mom anyway. Dark and I said goodnight. Kitten and I hoped to see each other again after dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I started to write this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Phonso, who was busy in a trial, and Kitten, who was busy in a mission. Phonso offered to let me join the next trial, but I found the offer too late. So, Kitten and I teamed up to do a mission when they got done with theirs. It fortunately ended about the time that Phonso's second trial ended, so we swiftly joined his third trial not long before it started. Nox and I talked a little before they said goodnight. Phonso, Kitten, and I ran four trials back-to-back, with some other members staying the same, but not all. Then we said goodnight, and I did my exercises. I wrote this, played Cross Stitch World, and read comics in the breaks and when I was done. Writing this included making notes for the next day, especially after I was done with my exercises. {Smile}