Saturday, June 3, 2023

Daily Update, June 2, 2023

    Today, I did a couple of errands. I called Uber, and a nice driver picked me up and took me to the vet to get Val's medicine. then he showed me how to set up a multi-stop trip and took me to Hilo Shopping Center for now extra official cost, though I did give him a higher tip. There, I got some dried cranberries, and looked at their dried goji berries, and decided they were too expensive. Then I walked to Mom's bank for some banking. After that, I called Uber, and a different driver took me home. {Smile}

   I had lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read two Christmas cards from 2020, one from her cousin, and the other from a friend of her sister's. Then, I started reading and showing her pictures in, _Memories Space Race, starting with the blurb on the back, and continuing with the first several pages.  Next, I read "Cancer Trial's Unexpected Result: Every Patient in Remission," from _100 Uplifting Short Stories for Seniors_. Then I read the June 2nd story from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Mom enjoyed both reading and pictures. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did all the exercises my therapist wants me to do two days after physical therapy: my walking, arm swinging, arm weight training (with more repetitions this time, a couple of time one or two more than I meant to), and my head exercises. {Smile}

   I researched some stuff for my story in the morning, before the errands, and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after lunch. Perogies was in the early long, large-group event, but that was full, and afterwards he had to go offline for food, family, and rest. However, Paradox was ready to come on when I was, and even urged me to get on a little sooner, so we teamed up, and finished a story arc I'd started on one of my higher-level characters. Then they left, and I did some paperwork and red some comics. Perogies came on just in time to say hello and chat a little before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did my exercises, and read a longer comic. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I ran a solo mission to get a badge. Then I saw that Owl Girl was on, so I said hi, and we teamed up. We ran some individual missions, and they earned a special mission. They'd just started advertising that special mission, and two had joined us to do it when Phonso came on and invited us to a task force. Oh, we wish he'd spoken just a bit sooner! If we hadn't just added two expecting the promised mission, we both would have loved to join Phonso, but Owl girl felt committed, and I really didn't want to leave, especially when that promised mission might help me get badges that are tricky to get. I did get two badges out of this, including one that can only be gotten in that kind of mission, and made progress on some others that also require or pretty much require that kind of mission. Then we ran more of the solo missions, adding a few more, and having some leave, until the team broke up. Then Owl Girl and I chatted, and eventually I picked up a couple more badges through a quiet way. Perogies joined us and started farming to get some stuff for us and his characters, too, and I wrote this up. {Smile}