Yesterday, I was late to church. I thought things were going normally, but when I got out of the house, i realized it was just a few minutes from ten, when the service starts. However, I get going any earlier, and I so hate to miss it, so I called Uber, and arrived during the gospel. So I did get the full sermon and communion. It was a nice service. I sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. {Smile}
I had lunch with Auntie Barbara, Scoot, Michelle, and a parishioner whose name I forget. We had a nice, long chat that roamed enough, it felt like a few chats with the same people. Ed and BJ took me home, and we had a lovely chat all the way. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I read scripture and thoughts about it, then continued with the next part of her niece's long family letter from 2019. Then I read the next part of Cotillion by Georgette Heyer. Then I finished up by reading the March 26th story from 366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year. Mom said she liked it all. {Smile}
I somehow didn't get around to the head exercises I meant to do. I really need to work harder at that. {small smile}
I finished Saturday's daily update when I got home. I decided to post on my old blog, which I haven't done a thing with in years. I'm thinking of doing that regularly. My blog is at Anne's Notes ( if you want another place to read these updates. {Smile}
Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and found both Div busy with his base, and my RWBY friend eager to play. We all teamed up, and I managed to slip into the base to see a bit, but Div was still busy building new, and my RWBY friend really wanted to play, so my RWBY friend and I ran a couple of missions while Div continued working on the base. The contest entry deadline is pretty soon, so Div wants to get it done if he can. We were able to use the team for a bit of chatting. Div left first, and my RWBY friend and I continued with another mission. Then my RWBY friend left for dinner, and I just did paperwork and solo badge-hunting until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}
I came back after dinner and started today's daily update. Then i read some comics before going back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I tried to chat with Austin and Jag, but Austin was unresponsive, and Jag was tired. Then I joined a giant monster team - one of two working on the same monster. I talked to both leaders about getting them into a league, but Someone went at the monster, and we ended up taking him down before we could. I talked to leaders, trying to encourage them. The one for the team I was on found this helpful enough to thank me, but the other accused me of being nasty and told me to get lost. I don't know what got him into that mood, but it ruined my mood for teaming with strangers. So, I soloed some work on a badge again and started talking with Azurette. That improved my mood, and we teamed up for a few missions. I chatted with kitten a bit over the day. I tried to chat with Nox, too, but they responded when they were heading to bed, so we mainly said goodnight. I wanted to solo one last mission after Azurette left, before I wrote my daily update. It was tougher than expected and went slowly at first. Then my RWBY friend came on, surprised I was still playing. I asked him to help with the mission, and he happily helped me finish the mission. That was good. Not only was it longer than I expected, but it had two separate parts that felt like separate missions but had to be finished together. I barely had time to make notes about today's update and had to write it properly the next morning. I just started doing that a couple of days ago. It really helps me remember stuff the next day. {Smile}