Thursday, December 19, 2024

Daily Update, December 18 2024

On Wednesday, after breakfast, I paid a few bills. {smile}

Then in mid-afternoon, my main nurse and I went to the public library. I picked up some manga, mostly from _A Bride's Tale_, a series they have more of than I'd read before... though I think the next book in it was missing. Hopefully it will be there later. After that, my nurse took me home. He talked about how underutilized he thinks that library is. He says it's an amazing resource, with all the books and other things. I agree it's got a good collection. {Smile}

I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after playing CoH much of the evening. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises. I'm concerned with how quickly I tire... something to talk with my therapist and my doctor about, I guess. {smile}

After the bills, I hopped into Vindictus. I didn't find Div, so I just ran battles right through lunch and into the afternoon, until stopping to go to the library. When we came back from the library, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Dennis greeted me and wanted me to choose something to do together. Then Pierogies came, and very much wanted to team on mid-level villains. So, we did earlier parts of the arc that Pierogies and I finished the other night, because Dennis's character had done very little in that arc. Two or three short missions took us up to bed for them, and dinner for me. {Smile}

After dinner, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update, with breaks for Cross Stitch World, chatting on the chat server, and browsing on Amazon. When I was done, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I began playing by myself on a character who needed relatively few things to meet a goal I had for her. I also started talking to Meghan in the game and Nox on the chat server. I joined Meghan when I finished that project. We were on low-level heroes and ran a couple of her missions. I reached the next level and stopped there while I complete content before moving on. After those mission, Meghan said goodnight. I did some hunting after she left, then some web browsing and a little Cross Stitch World. After that, I started my exercises and did a fair bit of Vindictus mercenaries before writing and making notes in this. {Smile}