Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daily Update, March 17, 2025

On Monday, after breakfast, my relief nurse and I went around town to do several errands. The most notable one for me was getting a Kupuna Card at the Office of Aging, since you only have to be 55 to get one, and I'm 56. I also asked into help with signing up to disability with the federal government. The relief nurse volunteered that he'd hired a lawyer for that, but the fellow at the Office of Aging suggested contacting Social Security and seeing if they can help me. I'll consider both, but I think Social Security sounds more promising. {Smile}

I didn't get any exercise done. By the time I thought to, my relief nurse had gone to bed, so he couldn't monitor it. My main nurse doesn't really count unmonitored exercise, so I just didn't bother. {Smile}

After the errands I had lunch. Then after lunch I browsed the web and wrote up Sunday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. I talked with Pierogies, and learned he was in a supergroup meeting that he was really enjoying. I'm so glad he found a group he clicks with. I joined two high-level taskforces on my third best badge collector, trying for that hard-to-get badge I've mentioned. I didn't get it this time, either. After that, with encouragement form pierogies, I joined the later long, large-group event. Pierogies joined partway through, after his meeting was over. After that event, Pierogies, Dennis and I teamed up on middle-leveled villains for two or three missions. The last ran into dinner, but I managed to finish the mission. Then I dashed off with a hasty goodbye. {Smile}

After dinner, I browsed the web and read web comics. Then I checked on main nurse, thinking I might exercise, but he was already asleep. So, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I chatted with Ulty and Jenny's player and joined them in chatting out-of-character in a role-playing venue until Jenny's player left for bed. Ulty apologetically left to join a friend she'd promised to join earlier. I did more paperwork until Mollymauk, a streamer on Twitch, invited me to a player-made mission. Then Phonso invited me to the first of the set of three trials I did the day before. I finished the mission with Mollymauk, and joined Phonso on a full team ready to start. We ran that trial and the next two, too. Then we said goodnight, and Phonso promised a similar but different set of trials the next day. I did paperwork next, then browsed on the web, including looking into the government's Disability. I'm really not so sure I'll qualify for that, but I know I won't if I don't try. I also did more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming, and dashed off notes in this, with no time for any real writing before bed. {Smile}