Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Daily Update, February 4, 2025

On Tuesday before breakfast, my blood sugar monitor gave a familiar error under new circumstances.  It is not at all new, so it had plenty of time to do this before. Then it gave a particularly high reading, and two lower but still high readings. I tried a newer, unused blood sugar monitor, but it refused to work with the battery from the old monitor, which was the only non-corroded battery of that type I could find in the house. {smile}

After breakfast, I called my doctor's office. They said try to get the newer monitor working. So, my relief nurse took me down to Longs across town, which is far bigger than the nearby Longs. A clerk helped me get two packages of a good battery. I tried it when we got home. Yes, it seems to work; I'll know more when I use it the next day. {smile}

We tried to do an errand on the way home, but the store wasn't open. {smile}

That afternoon, my relief nurse took me to Dentist's office to get a crown seated. He then went to do the errand that didn't work int he morning. He couldn't park, and we thought he'd have plenty of time anyway. {smile}

Boy, that crown seating was quick! The took it out, with some trouble, but it didn't take long. Then they put the new one in and dismissed me. The receptionist didn't even need anything. I got out just before the relief nurse came back. We were happy, since there still wasn't a good parking spot. Since we didn't need one after all, we just went home. {Smile}

I did pelvic floor and abdominal tucking occasionally through the day. Then, late in the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. I was dizzy at first, but then it got better, and I finished the set. After a break, I tried again, but I was too dizzy. I had to stop after I grabbed a chair to steady myself. I only got a bit over 8 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing done. {smile}

When we got back from getting the batteries, I had lunch before settling down at my computer to browse the web. Then I played Cross Stitch World and began writing Monday's daily update until I had to break for my trip to the dentist. When I got back, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, and wanted to hunt for some tough enemies. We stopped when the later short, large-group event was beginning to recruit. We ran that, and then Pierogies left. I joined the later long, large-group event on my own, and ran much of it. I ended up leaving early and slipping in a little paperwork before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished writing Monday's daily update, with breaks to play Cross Stitch World. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. I eventually hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I hunted for high-level enemies by myself. Eventually, I started looking for something else to do. I saw someone asking for help. The request was a little old, but I offered and joined a full team to finish a mission. Then one person left, and we did another mission. After that, I saw Phonso advertising a strike force. I left the team I was on to join Phonso. He recruited at least one more, then ran the strike force mostly but not entirely full. We said goodnight when it was done because it was too late to do another run. Then I read some comics and made notes and wrote in this before I started my salsa dancing and exercise. After that, I read more comics before I tried more dancing, but I was too dizzy to dance safely. So, I just made more notes and wrote more in this before bed. {Smile}