Monday, December 4, 2023

Daily Update, December 3, 2023

    Today was Sunday, so I called Uber after breakfast, and they came and took me down to church. I'd gotten to bed particularly early last night, so I got to church particularly early, too. It gave me more time to look around as well as talk with people, which was nice. {Smile}

   It was a nice service, our first service of Advent. Our priest pointed out that's only three weeks long this year. The fourth Sunday of Advent is Christmas Eve, so we go right into the Christmas season after that. {Smile}

   Lunch was almost all dessert because two folks tried to cook their stuff at the same time and blew a circuit. Auntie Barbara wanted to leave before it was ready. I didn't sit with her, but we talked as she took me home. She came inside, and visited with Mom, who sang several songs with us before Auntie Barbara left again. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. her eyes were open when I got there, though she closed them a few times, but opened them when there was something to look at. She responded several times, too. It was another good day. First, I read scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read some cards: one from her cousin, a friend, church, her nephew, and lastly me. Most were short today, except for mine; I'd written a bit of a note. After that, I showed her the last several pages of _Movie Stars: Memory Lane_. Then I read the next story in _My Little Pony: 5 Minute Stories_. "Cutie Mark Magic." It was about the marks ont he flanks of most of the My Little Pony ponies. I finished with the 3rd of December's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Marbles." Fiona and Gordon felt it was a long time since they'd played marbles. They found five red, two yellow, and two green in the odds and ends box. They wanted five each of one color for a good game. They asked Mummy for money to buy more, but she made them look elsewhere first. Fiona found another yellow marble under her bed. Mummy said she could buy two more yellow ones, but they asked for money to buy three greens as well, so three people could play, and Mummy gave in. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and arm swinging exercises while I was waiting for Uber to pick me up. There were some twinges during the arm swinging, but I didn't think it was too bad until I had a bunch more twinges while using the mouse to play City of Heroes this evening. I still did my walking exercises - no problem there - followed by my warmup salsa dancing set, a break, and my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break I did my arm resistance exercises, my leg exercises, and some of the arm resistance exercise I've been doing. I think I need to take another break from the arm resistance, arm eight training, and first three leg exercises, but the walking and other leg exercises seemed fine. I also think I need to contact my doctor about this, since it came back. {resigned look} 

   I hopped into City of Heroes homecoming after cleaning myself up in the early afternoon. I got there in time for the early short, large-group event, which I joined. Then I went to the early long, large-group event. After that, I did some paperwork and badge-collecting until Pierogies said hi. We teamed up on low level character and ran a mission. Then he wanted to join the later long, large group event, but that runs when I'm reading to Mom and eating dinner, but we just had time to join the later short, large-group event, so we did. The first run was fine, but the second run turned nasty. We were trying to push through, so we wouldn't have to fight as many enemies, but three bunches spawned, and started attacking us. We did manage to finish, but it was tough. It does feel good to succeed after that. {SMILE}

   After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and caught the late night short, large group event. Then I started writing this up and read some comics. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, did some paperwork, and looked around. Michiel and Azurette were on, so I said hi. Azurette didn't respond, but Michiel did, and I joined him. I said hi to Nox, who was slow to respond, but we still got to chat. I also let Kitten, Paradox, and Owl Girl know I was playing. Paradox came in and joined us. Then Azurette said hi, explaining that she just finished a task force. She joined us too, and we did a mission or two then all three of them left, and I soloed until I started my exercises. I watched videos and did some online shopping between and after the salsa dancing, too. {Smile}