I realized I had a doctor's appointment almost an hour after it was supposed to begin. I called, and thankfully they were able reschedule it for early next month. I realized after the call that it was my gynecologist, who doesn't remind patients ahead of time like most doctors around here do. I'll have to watch for things like this more carefully.
At the same time, I realized it was the third Tuesday of the month, which normally means Aloha Independent Living sponsors a picnic or meeting for some of the disabled folk they serve. However, when I called the leader, I got her answering machine telling me she was off island, and wouldn't be back until next Monday, so at least I didn't miss that. {Smile}
After dinner, I got a nice call from our former nurse. We chatted a bit, enjoying getting to hear from each other, like we usually do. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes closed after a bit, but opened again when there were pictures to look at. She seemed to like the pictures, though she only spoek a couple of times, and not about that. I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with the beginning of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I read the last few pages and the back cover of _1960's Memory Lane_. After that, I read two storiesms from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Last, I finished with the 21st of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Twins." Tom and Tim were identical twins who looked so much like each other, even their parents had trouble telling them apart. They did all kinds of naughty tricks which each blamed the other for, too. One day, Tim found an enormous strawberry flan. He cut a slice and ate it, and another slice and ate that too, until he'd eaten half of it. Then Tom came to look for him and ate the other half. Their mother was very annoyed to find the flan gone. She asked Tim if he'd eaten the flan, but he said no, and had she asked Tom? So, she asked Tom, who said no, too. However, when they were called to lunch, neither could eat any, so she knew they had lied. She forbid them from playing together for the rest of the day. {Smile}
I did my walking exercises after teaming for the evening. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break, I did my head exercises. I expected to do my leg exercises at the least, but my arm was complaining enough. I wasn't even sure about bracing myself on the railing for those. {rueful smile}
I read articles and comics in the morning a while after lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming slightly too late to join the early short, large-group event. I started chatting with Pierogies and Kitten. Pierogies was in that event, and Kitten was with two other Pierogies characters in a farm. When the event was over, we teamed up, and worked on a story arc I'd started on my warshade character. We did that through the afternoon and finished it just in time to read to Mom, which was nice. Especially since the warshade is now ready to continue the warshade-only arcs with Kitten's and Pierogies' warshades when we're all free. {Smile}
After dinner, I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I didn't spot Kitten as I hoped to, but I found Gargle Ripper. We chatted a little while I badge hunted on the gal... she passed the sixth best badge hunter, but she isn't that firmly ahead as I'd like yet. Then Gargle Ripper and I teamed up. I learned they prefer less talking, which I'll have to adjust to. I also chatted with Radio's boyfriend on the chat server, in our group conversation. After a while, Nox came in. Gargle Ripper and I finished one tough mission, and they left for bed. I badge hunted a little more. Then Kitten woke up and said hi, and we teamed up, doing a story arc one of my mid-level characters has. Pierogies joined us in the middle of the last mission. We finished that just before I started my exercises, and Pierogies started a farm where we and Kitten talked while getting goodies, with folks going quiet as they left their computers to do other stuff. Radio joined the group conversation, and Paragon, Kitten, Owl girl and I started talking in their group conversation. Pierogies started a second farm when he felt the first was mostly done. {Smile}