Saturday, March 15, 2025

Daily Update March 14, 2025

On Friday, late in the morning, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. It was a good session. My main nurse met me out front afterwards and took me pretty much straight home in time for lunch. {Smile}

My exercise was my physical therapy today, and yes, they worked me pretty well. I think I did enough for a couple of days there. {Smile}

Between breakfast and physical therapy, I mainly had time to get ready to go. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed on the web. Then I began writing up Thursday's daily update. This took longer than usual because some of it wasn't easy to write. I was still not quite finished when I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming late for me. I started with paperwork, then finished Thursday's daily update. I came back to see Dr. Faustus had just told me that the villain supergroup meeting had been called off, and he'd be back to help me with my character in my evening. So, I did some more paperwork until Pierogies and Kitten said hi. The three of us teamed up and did a mission and a hunt together before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I read web comics and played Cross Stitch World before I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player. I joined them in some individual missions, along with a friend of theirs. Dr. Faustus joined us too. Then Ulty and Jenny's Player's friend left. A mission or two later, Ulty and Jenny's Player left. Remembering Dr. Faustus's promise to help my character in the villain supergroup, I switched to that character. We tried to run the next story she had that he'd mentioned helping me with earlier. However, the first mission jammed. We couldn't find a way to complete it, and we went all over it a few times looking. So, we tried again, but the same thing happened. even though we tried everything we could think of to complete it, and Dr. Faustus works with computers enough to think of a lot more ways that I did. We decided to get together another day and try it when we can get help if it jams again. To wind down, I played Cross Stitch World and read web comics. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming for some paperwork. I ran into an old friend who now streams on Twitch under the name Sonarr__ specifically at   If you check them out, they ask that you mention that I sent you. They know me best as Anka, the first character of mine they met. They say their next stream will be Tuesday morning, 5am central. We chatted while I made notes and wrote in this. {Smile}