On Friday before lunch, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. I pushed my limits and learned how much machine use is comfortable at the beginning. I also clarified my pelvic floor tucking. I need to practice a couple of small changes which sound like they'll really help. Then we went down below to use the harness. I mostly walking exercises in it, with a little salsa dancing at the end. Then my main nurse took me home. {Smile}
Before supper, I got a call from Auntie Barbara. The restaurant she wanted to go to on Saturday uses monosodium glutamate, or MSG, an ingredient that gives me particularly bad migraines. So, we'll do the picnic with the help of the Island Naturals in Pahoa instead.
I got plenty of exercise at physical therapy Friday. I don't need much more, though practicing the changes to my abdominal floor tucking shouldn't wait, so it hasn't. I think I did a bit of abdominal tucking, too. {Smile}
Between breakfast and physical therapy, I looked on Amazon for a mug to replace one I used a lot that got damaged and sprung a leak recently. After I got home, I played Cross Stitch World, read web comics, and did more mug shopping on Amazon over lunch and into the afternoon. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chose the villain in a supergroup Dr. Faustus is in, thinking I was late for their weekly meeting. However, I was the only supergroup member on. So, I started to do paperwork. Then Dennis came in and said hi. We talked, and then he suggested a mission while I waited in case the supergroup showed up. Dr. Faustus came in just after we started the mission. Dennis's settings were too high to make him finish alone, so I stuck with him to the end of that mission. Then we said goodbye and I joined the supergroup. They finished the last couple of mission of a story arc. I realized I needed that last mission, which was nice. Next, they helped me finish a story arc. They offered to help me do sequels next week as we disbanded. After that, I did paperwork until dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and finished mug shopping on Amazon. Then I tried to start talking with Nox, but they left quickly, not sure when they'd be back. They were gone a long time, and came back only to say goodnight, because of an early morning then next day. While waiting for Nox to respond, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player and joined them in some farms until Jenny's player left. Then I did some paperwork. Next, I played by myself on the low-level character I'm trying to get a little higher. I actually finished the content I wanted to finish on her before going up a little. I picked up first mission but got sidetracked adjusting costumes. So, I didn't actually start the mission, though I'm ready to. After that, I made notes and wrote this up, with breaks for Cross Stitch World and web comics until bedtime. {Smile}