On Tuesday, after lunch, our priest came to visit Mom, and called me over to join them, which was nice. I didn't realize she'd arrived. We sang some songs, but it was mainly the priest and me; Mom only sang along a little. Then she gave Mom (and me) home communion. Not that I'd get it by myself when I go into church every Sunday. It's for people like Mom, who can't go into church. But anyone who's also around at the time may take it too. And Mom was happy to eat the communion. {Smile}
Later, I headed out to my cardiologist's appointment. I called ahead because I accidentally started late, and Uber couldn't get there quite at the check-in time. they thanked me for calling ahead and checked me in normally. after a short wait they had me go to the exam room. then the doctor came and asked me several questions about how things are going. Then she told me a bit about the tests, particularly why one made her want to raise one medication. She also wants to put me on something for dizziness. I told her it might help, but it wasn't going to fix my vertigo, and agreed to try it. We'll see how it goes. Past attempts have been less than great, but I can always stop if it's not effective. Afterwards, I contacted Uber, and they took me home. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sleepy, but opened her eyes for me, and kept them open for the pictures. she didn't really respond other than looking at me, though. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read more from this year's long family Christmas letter from her niece. Next, I started _1940's Memory Lane, showing her the pictures, and reading the text and captions. After that, I read more from _The Mother Goose Treasury_, reading some poems, and pointing out the pictures, relating them to the poems. Last, I finished with the 12th of December's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Granny's Knitting." When Betty and Paul were invited to tea with their grandmother, each asked her to knit them something. Betty asked for a red jersey, while Paul asked for a pair of purple socks. Grandma laughed, and said she couldn't manage both by Christmas, but she might manage the socks. The next day, she invited two friends over for tea. She planned to knit the first sock while they talked. They thanked her for the tea as they left at the end of their visit. After they left, Grandma noticed the sock was at least three times longer than Paul's leg. Then she had an idea. When the kids came, they found a long purple sausage dog lying at the base of the door, keeping out drafts. {Smile}
Still no exercise. My teeth are feeling better, and I fervently want them to continue to feel better, so I don't want to upset them by exercising this soon after the root canal. It was just yesterday. {Smile}
I finished writing yesterday's daily update and shared it after breakfast. Then I cleaned myself up and read articles and played the cross-stitch game through lunch. That stopped when our priest came to visit Mom. After she left, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and caught the early short, large group event. Then I talked with some friends in a semi-private conversation, since I knew I wouldn't have much more time before the cardiologist for getting into things. Somehow, I was still late to my cardiologist. After my cardiologist, I read comics, and played the cross-stich game, which frustratingly reset despite me saving along the way. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming too late to join anything. However, I caught Pierogies, who admitted he'd also come in late. We couldn't get together for anything, but we had time to talk, and we sure did. {Smile}
After dinner, I checked some comics. Then I tried to get into the late night short, large group event, but the zone was full. So, I started to write this up instead. I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming and found that Dr. Faustus was on. We got together while I finished up the bit of my daily update I did want to write then. He found a friend he wanted to help, and we finished a story arc they were working on. Then we ran another story arc that got us a badge. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server. After the story arc, Dr. Faustus's friend established contact with me and left for bed. Dr. Faustus apologized for leaving then, but he'd disconnected, and thought a break from the game would help that. He and I talked on the chat server, as Nox and I continued to for a while. Later, I concentrated on collecting badges on my second-best badge collector. Then I worked on writing this up and making notes but went far too late. I need to manage my time better. {rueful smile}