On Friday, part way through the morning, I contacted Uber. A nicely chatty fellow came and took me to physical therapy. That went well. They tested my vertigo between the warmup on the machine, and the salsa dancing in the harness, which lets me do more complicated moves more safely. Afterwards, I called my doctor's office and asked them to resubmit the order for other kinds of therapy, since my therapist seemed to think they hadn't gotten it when I asked. They will. After that, I contacted Uber, and a nice, chatty fellow took me home. {Smile}
I've thinking about my writing, and this is the day I realized that it's not anti-social. Many authors claim theirs is, and I'll believe it is for them... but it's not for me. If I try to hole up like they describe, the ideas dry up, and everything else seems more urgent somehow, even things like Cross stitch World, which I know isn't important like my writing seem to get in the way. Oht eh other hand, if I can find a way to make my writing at least somewhat social, the ideas flow more freely, and I have less trouble getting around to it. So now I'm trying to think of ways to make this social enough to work. Any suggestions you have would be very welcome indeed. {SMILE}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was sleepy but awake when I went in. She woke up more while I read to her. I think she enjoyed looking at the pictures, especially the ones of kids. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I showed her some pictures in _The 40 Cutest Children and Animal Photographs_. Next, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 25th's story, "Boko's New Hat," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
I had quite enough exercise in physical therapy today. I even left feeling a bit tired, though I seem to have recovered enough, I don't anymore. {Smile}
After breakfast with Mom, I played Vindictus until my physical therapy. When I got back, I quickly had lunch with Mom. After that I went to finish up in Vindictus before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I started with paperwork. Then I got together with Kitten where we did a mission one of my moderately low-level characters had. After that, Kitten spotted a high-level trial. I went to find character and ended up missing the trial. However, soon after, Pierogies said hi. Then Kitten joined us - the trial was short, and over already. We three all joined the later long, large-group event. Afterwards, Dennis joined us for a couple of missions before I left to read to Mom; Dennis and Pierogies left, then, too. {Smile}
After dinner, I wrote up the day before's daily update, with breaks for Cross Stitch World and reading comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis and Kitten. Yes, Dennis got back before I did. Anyway, we teamed up and did a mission. I also said hi to Ulty, Jenny's Player, Divi, and Phonso. Turned out that Phonso was just finishing a taskforce. In the meantime, a friend of Kitten's and acquaintance of mine joined us. Then Phonso invited us to the next taskforce he was running, so we joined it. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server. After the taskforce, Phonso ran a strike force that my group and Divi joined too. Afterwards, we did a mission. Then Divi and Dennis left. Kitten and the acquaintance did more missions with me. First one then a second friend of theirs joined us. I was acquainted with at least one of them. Eventually, I left, and started writing this up/ IO broke to check out Vindictus, then finished making notes in this. {Smile}