In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, the toilet got clogged. The heavy-duty plunger didn't get it clear, so I went to bed. This has happened at least two times before, where the plunger didn't work. Letting it sit overnight cleared it then. Not this time. It was still filling and taking around an hour to drain when i got up this morning. So, I called the plumber down the street. {smile}
He came around noon - I suspect he squeezed me into his lunch break - and got it clear with a fancier tool than I'm certain I know how use. I asked about things that I could use myself, and he suggested some things at Ace Hardware, or possibly Home Depot, but really Ace hardware. I'm happy with that. the closest Ace is a cheaper Uber ride than Home Depot. {Smile}
I forgot about the door latch, which the nurse told me needs fixing, or about asking if he knows a carpenter, who seems like the best for fixing such things, but I left a message on his answering machine later. {Smile}
I got a call from Auntie Barbara. She's doing better and getting ready to go home from the hospital soon. I told her about needing a carpenter, but she didn't know anyone off the top of her head. I'll have to keep asking as opportunities come up. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake at first but got sleepier as time went on. She still opened her eyes for pictures, but not long. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from last year. Next, I started __. Again, no words to read once we got past the title, so I described each picture. After that, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with the 9th of January's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Latecomer." Mummy checked out some tapping at the window, and Pippin, the nightingale. He'd found the bird tray quite bare, so came to ask for food. Mummy told him he was late as he flew over to perch hopefully at the tray. She'd put breadcrumbs and lumps of fat out earlier, but they were all eaten. She saw many bird footprints by the feeder/ She crumbled some bread into the tray for Pippin, who trilled thanks, then ate up every last crumb so no other bird would get them. He'd have to get up earlier the next morning. {Smile}
It was too wet and rainy to walk around the driveway, so I walked 18 times around the living room, dining room, kitchen, and hallway instead. Each time around the house is about 80 steps, while I think the driveway was around 150, so that's a little over 9 times around the driveway. I was walking distinctly slower, because there's so much more to *not bump into* in the house. That was a little past the middle of the evening. Then I got my head exercises done while in a farm with Pierogies, with my salsa dancing warmup set, my arm resistance exercises, my sitting arm weight training exercises, and my standing arm weight training exercises done while our characters were still in there. {Smile}
I read articles and comics in the morning, until I wound down after the toilet got fixed. Then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming in time to join the early short, large-group event on one of the characters I'd recently upgraded and still wanted to test. I said hi to Div, who was on, and we chatted as he was preparing to leave after playing all day. Then Pierogies and I started talking, and we ended up doing the early long, large-group event together. Next, I asked him to help me test the character - the same one I'd just done the two events on - because I can see what I'm doing so much better when I'm teaming with a friend to two, and not a big group. We ran a couple of individual high-level missions, with time out to talk and watch a trailer, and maybe another short video. Then we looked at a few characters to team up in the future before parting so I could read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I missed the late-night short, large-group event, so I started writing this up. Then I said hi to Dr. Faustus, and we got together for a couple of those individual high-level missions to test the last of the recently upgraded characters. He had to leave after that. I soloed a couple of things I had that have to be done solo. I also walked around the house like I already described. I was wondering what to do next when Pierogies came back on. He did an individual high-level mission or two, then settled into a farm, while I debated which character to bring. I chose one, and we chatted a fair bit. I said hi to Nox on the chat server, too, but they only responded once. I upgraded my character, and Pierogies and I tested it, deciding that it's good. Then I did most of the exercises I mentioned after Pierogies said goodnight again. I also chatted briefly with Nox, since they came back not long before leaving. After the exercises, I read articles and comics, and made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}