After breakfast, I called I called Life Care Center, where they connected me to physical therapy. They didn't answer, so I left a message. They did call back a while later. I explained about being pretty mildly sick, and they cancelled my appointment for the day, and made two more appointments for the next two weeks. Then they close for summer. She said I should reapply in August. {Smile}
I also called the nutritionist several times. I only got the answering machine, where I left messages, but she still hadn't called back when it was time to leave if I was going. I wasn't so sick it would be hard to handle, so I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me down. I'd found an address on the web that wasn't the same as last time, but seemed current, so I tried there. Neither I nor the driver spotted anything, so he offered to wait while I looked for it.Fortunately, as I was coming to the conclusion that I wasn't finding it, the nutritionist called to ask where I was. I explained I was at the wrong place and asked for the right address. the nutritionist gave it, and the same driver took me to the right place. I had a nice appointment once I got to the right place, and the nutritionist was happy how quickly I came once I knew the right address. Afterwards, I contacted Uber, and went back home without incident. {Smile}
I didn't read to Mom, because I was following the nursing company's policy of keep Mom's exposure to sick people to a minimum. As mild as it is for me, it could so easily be worse her, and she's unlikely to come back all the way from being sick. We don't need that. {small smile}
Since I didn't do physical therapy today, I did do my head exercises and arm swinging exercises while waiting for Uber. Then I did my arm resistance exercises during a lull on City of Heroes: Homecoming. Next, I did my salsa dancing warmup set after ending teaming late. The I started my less structured salsa dancing set. I got through the second piece after a false start but started to stumble and feel unsteady between 1 and two minutes into the second piece. That's about one piece better than I did the last two or three nights, so I'll take it. I did feel a bit tired for any of the exercises still left, so I stopped there. {worn smile}
After breakfast and the first round of calls, I played Cross Stitch World. That got interrupted by the called from Life Care Center's outpatient physical therapy, which I welcomed. Then I played more Cross Stitch World and finished Tuesday's daily update before and into an early lunch. I started reading a web novel as I finished lunch and for a while afterwards. Then I popped into City of Heroes: Homecoming just before leaving for the appointment with the nutritionist. I found Pierogies, but he didn't respond. I also found Michiel, and we commiserated, because we were both less well than great. {smile}
After the appointment, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis, and we teamed up on mid-level villains to do a story arc. Then he left around dinner time, and Pierogies came on and said hi. We teamed up on high-level heroes and did a couple of his missions. Then Pierogies left because he was tired, and I started on some paperwork. Partway through, Dennis came back, and we did some badge hunting on high level heroes. Then he left, and I did some exercises and more salsa dancing than I could for a couple nights there. I also played some Cross Stitch World, did some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork, and wrote a little of this. I made a lot of notes to write from properly the next day. {Smile}