On Wednesday, my counselling session started as I finished breakfast. It was a good session. We talked about how the counselling will progress, then moved to things I need to work on. {Smile}
Afterwards, I worked on a bit of real-life paperwork my nurse and I found in the mail. I did call my financial advisers and the accountants for help with some and reached their answering machines. Eventually the accountants called back and told me what to do. I got it done, and into the mail. I hope it's all good now. {Smile}
I started my salsa dancing earlier, doing my salsa dancing warm up, then taking a break. I did this a hour earlier, thinking that when I do it too late, the second is often not workable. However, it wasn't workable this time, either. I tried resting some more, but my balance was even worse when I tried again.
The counselling and the paperwork filled my morning and ran past lunch. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World for a break in the paperwork and phone stuff. Then I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. I read comics online, then started making notes in this. then I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some paperwork and chatted with an acquaintance. Then I took a break to clean myself up with the help of my main nurse. After that, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and did more paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, and we teamed up on slightly higher low-level characters. We did a couple of missions, including one known for being long and difficult, especially for something that low-level. Afterwards, we talked a little until dinner, since that was too close to do more. {Smile}
After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with more paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player. I tried soloing, but I couldn't settle on a character. Instead, I started talking with Nox and really got into that instead. After that, I played Cross Stitch World, then started salsa dancing. Next, I watched some and wrote and made more notes in this. Then I tried more salsa dancing, failed, finished my notes in this, and read some comics. {Smile}