On Friday, before breakfast, the gal brought my computer back and set it up. We talked about options if I want to replace my computer or upgrade it. I've been thinking about the options quite a bit... Most have their allure, but it's hard to know what's right for me. {smile}
After breakfast, I realized I was late to my sonogram - it was already past the check-in time. So I called the receptionist. They recommended rescheduling, saying they'd have someone call me back about that. They did after lunch. the new appointment is almost a month away, because that was the first opening. At least it's scheduled. {sigh}
Auntie Barbara called after dinner, asking about eh sonogram. I explained about missing the appointment. She was disappointed but understanding, I think. {smile]
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake, despite me getting started late. She talked little but stared at the pictures a bit, especially the baby pictures. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I started _Picture Book Babies _ . the one with one or two facts about babies to read on every double page spread. Then I read a long story from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 6th of September's story, "The Tea-Party," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
I did eight of my twelve arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did the other four arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did nine and a half walking exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. {Smile}
I worked on Thursday's daily update before lunch. Then I read comics over lunch. After lunch and the phone call, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I started working on a badge for second best badge collector. Pierogies joined me almost immediately and helped me get a badge I was close to on that character. Dr. Faustus said hi near the end of that project. When we were done, I explained that the villain group was meeting, as they do Friday, in my afternoon. I switched to the villain group member and joined Dr. Faustus and the weekly villain supergroup meeting in the middle of fighting a zombie invasion. Next, we ran a story arc. Just as it was ending, Dennis said hi. I switched characters and teamed up with him for a couple of missions. The second ended late enough, I was late to read to Mom, but she was awake, so I got away with it. {Smile}
After dinner and my exercises, I finished writing up Thursday's daily update. Then I played some Cross Stitch World. It loaded so slowly, that I started really wondering if I want a better graphics card. I'll have to look into that. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis on an individual mission team with Azurette. I joined them when space opened up. We ran a few missions before the team broke up. Dennis left, then, but Azurette stayed. I said goodnight to Nox on the chat server, having missed talking again. We talked a long time. Then we did a few of a different kind of individual mission. Pierogies joined us. We broke up after a few missions. I made notes and wrote in this both before and after my exercises. I slipped in a little internet shopping and replying on the chat server after my exercises, too. {Smile}