Yesterday, as I was finishing up sharing my daily update, I realized I'd misread the clock, and it was a whole hour earlier than I thought it was. I usually hate that, but this time it let me get another 10 minutes of salsa dancing in for a little over 30 in all yesterday. {GRIN}
I called Alan right after breakfast and arranged for him to take Val and me to the vet late this morning. Then I called my financial adviser and let the secretary know something I've been watching for arrived this morning. She said she'd let both my financial advisers know, and they'd call me later. {Smile}
Alan arrived right on time and took me to the vet. He's so understanding about the upset meows we always get, because Val does not ever want to go to the vet. While I was waiting for the vet, my therapist came out, and said hi to Val and me. Then he left, but it was nice that he stopped to say hi as he was leaving. {Smile}
Then we saw the vet. While they were examining him, my financial adviser called. Both were on the line, so I wish I could have talked to them then, but I was busy with the vet, and didn't have the papers I wanted to consult, and no privacy, either so I asked them to call back, and promised to call back myself. His kidney and heart disease are progressing, as they will, so he has two new meds, but they're smaller. I think he ate them both. I hope so. I really don't want to have to force pills down his throat indefinitely. That's no fun for him or me. {Smile}
I called my financial adviser later. Technically twice, but the first time I just told the secretary that I was free, but wouldn't be in the early afternoon tomorrow, when I had a doctor's appointment. I called again, when it was getting close enough to their closing time, I wasn't sure we'd get to talk again if I didn't. My usual financial adviser was available, and we talked about next steps. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I started with scripture and thoughts about it and continued with more of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then, I read a bit from Cotillion by Georgette Heyer. Next, I read "the Fox's Tail" from 365 Animal Stories and Rhymes. It was an Aesop's Fable about a fox who lost his tail in a trap and tried to convince the other foxes to get rid of their tails, too. They had none of that nonsense. Then I finished up by reading the March 29th story from 366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year. Mom said she liked it all, but she was tired today. Well, she listened as she could, and knew I was beside her. {Smile}
Today, I didn't get confused about the time, and really did run out of time before I could do more than 20 minutes of salsa dancing. but at least I did over 20 minutes of salsa dancing, including both warmup and less structured dancing. {Smile}
I read comics over a late lunch after I got home, and a bit after lunch, as well. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There I found Div, and toured his base again. He showed me the latest changes. He hopes to finish it - as far as the contest is concerned - tomorrow. Finishing touches can come afterwards, but it's pretty full, so he can't add much more anyway. this happened with his first base, too. Then Div left, and my RWY friend arrived. We teamed up on mid-level villains and finished a story arc I had started. Fortunately, we finished at about eh time I like to read to Mom anyway. {Smile}
I worked on this update, with notes and a little writing, around dinnertime. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I joined a team that was hunting a particular giant monster, and ended up leading it because I was a good level for that. when we were done, I suggested hunting some other easy to find giant monsters. i recruited some folks as other left, and we had a good time. My RWBY friend came in just as we were breaking up. We started to get ready to read a comic together, but then Phonso invited us to a task force he wanted to run. we did that instead, planning to read the comic together soon. My RWBY friend left after one task force, but I stayed for another with Phonso on different characters. That took me close enough to time to start salsa dancing, I just did paperwork on the characters I'd used this evening until I started salsa dancing. {Smile}