Sunday, March 9, 2025

Daily Update, March 8, 2025

 On Saturday, after breakfast, I played a lot more Cross Stitch World than I intended, but I was thinking a lot. I was mainly thinking about what I could write with an eye to working up to actually publishing. Yes, that means starting more modestly than a book. My counsellor's recent surveys helped me realize that for me it's particularly hard to actually decide to do it and follow through. So, I'm trying to work up to exactly that. {smile}

I didn't do any exercise, since it's the next day after physical therapy. Surely, I deserve a one-day break. {Smile}

Late in the morning, I began writing up Friday's daily update. I paused for lunch, during which I read web comics. I got back to writing up Friday's daily update before lunch was quite done and finished Friday's daily update after lunch. Then I began making notes in this. Next, my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I watched a video before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. They were getting ready for a taskforce with some friends, so I joined them on a high-level character, even though it wasn't a high-level taskforce. The game readily adjusts for that. We ran it not full, but it was a nice taskforce. Afterwards, the group broke up. I joined the later long, large-group event. I left before the end when I was called to dinner, but I got a lot of it, including the most lucrative game rewards. {Smile}

After dinner, I checked the chat server and watched a video before going back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and chatted a little with Ulty and Jenny's Player. then I did another taskforce with them and some of their friends on the same character as before dinner. Afterwards, we chatted a fair while. I also began chatting with Nox on the chat server, too. Then we did a second taskforce with friends of theirs. After that, we talked more. Then joined a farm Jenny's Player decided to run. I did a little paperwork during the farm, since it had piled up too much. I did a lot more paperwork after it broke up. I also made notes in this over the latter part of the day a little at a time to keep it from building up. {Smile}