Thursday, November 30, 2023

Daily Update, November 29, 2023

    Wednesday was a mostly quiet day. I did have a phone call with the secretary from our nursing company. It was nice to talk to her. {Smile}

   I did more research into web fiction sites, and realized different sites are likely to fit different stories better. Also, I don't know that I'm cut out to write the long stuff that seems so popular in web fiction, so the web may not be my best choice. I'll have to see. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Her eyes were open when I got there, but she closed them for parts where it was mainly words, but still opened them for pictures. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then, I showed her the next few pages of _Exploring Kittens_ by Nobuo Honda. She looked at the cute kittens as I described each picture a bit in lieu of words to read. After that, I read a longer story from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Well, by that' book's standards it was longer: 4 pages instead of 1 or 2. Last, I finished with the 29th of November's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "James's Visitor." James had to stay in bed with a bad cold and an earache. He couldn't have visitors. His mother was worried because he didn't want to eat his food or take his medicine. Suddenly she remembered a music box she'd found weeks ago: a little painted wooden box shaped like a cottage with a key sticking out of it. She bought it to give to James on a special occasion and stashed it in a drawer.  {Smile}

   Teaming in the evening ran late because when I'd normally stop, I got the finale of the story arc I'd started earlier this evening. Finishing it was just too tempting, so I ran it ending at a good time to start my salsa dancing warmup.  After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Then after another break I did my walking exercises. After yet another break, I did my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. I missed my leg exercises, but that's all I really missed, since I'm not ready to resume my arm swinging exercises or arm weight training exercises yet. {Smile}

   I read articles as well as did most of that research in the morning and over lunch. Then I remembered to write up yesterday's daily update after lunch. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming too late for the early short, large group event, and didn't see most of the regulars on. However, I did see a high-level trial being run for a particular badge. I checked, and it was the last badge my best badge collector needed for another badge. I joined it, and I got those two badges when we ran it. The leader then mentioned another high-level trial run for a particular badge. It turned out to be the last my best badge-collector needed for another, similar badge. So, I stayed on the same character, ran the next high-level trial, and got those badges, too. Still not seeing anyone around, I did the paperwork those trials had made. Then I joined a mid-level team on a mid-level character I felt like playing. I figured I'd get to lay twice as much as if I waited for the later short, large-group event. I stopped a bit before time to read to Mom and did some of the paperwork that character had accumulated because I wasn't sure I'd finish the next mission in time. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming for the late-night short, large-group event. Then I ducked out of the game long enough to start writing this up. Next, I hopped back in and started checking my characters. Kitten mewed at me, and we teamed up. I checked with Ulty, but she was busy.  Another friend didn't respond when I said hi, so Kitten and I started running the character I've been working to get through her missions at the level she's at and got her through the last contact who she could out-level before she levelled. The quiet friend finally responded, and joined us after the first mission, maybe partway through the second, I think. Then all three of us finished a story arc my character only had the finale left to do. It was more talking and less action than I expected, so we went right into the next story arc. I started talking with Nox on the chat server, too. My character levelled during that story arc, since I've finally been letting her gain experience again for last couple of day. That's the story arc that ran a little into my exercise time. I kept talking with Nox, and started talking with Kitten and Owl girl on the chat server after I finished teaming. I also checked my characters, and worked on writing this, switching to making notes as it got late. I had to convert the notes to proper writing and share it the next day. {Smile}