Sunday, August 6, 2023

Daily Update, August 5, 2023

    Saturday, the housekeeper came a while after breakfast. The house is definitely better for her efforts. {Smile}

   I texted Auntie Barbara after dinner, and she called me back. We had a nice little chat. It was nice talking with her. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner at about my usual time. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from last year. Then I showed Mom the rest of the pictures in _Exploring Kittens_. After that, I read some poems from _Mother Goose Treasury_. I sang two because they were songs that I remembered the melody to and did one finger game. An early finger game I didn't do... I don't remember it from when I was a kid, so I didn't think Mom was likely to, either. But the second we did often, so I did it for her, and she watched. I finished with the August 5th story, "The Windmill," from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. A windmill was bored. There had been no wind for three days, and he had nothing to do but watch the sparrows. A sparrow felt sorry for him and got a bunch of sparrows together. They all perched on a single arm of the windmill and got them turning. The windmill thanks them, and they said it was fun, and wanted to come back tomorrow. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, arm swinging exercises, and arm resistance exercises before reading to Mom. I did my standing exercises and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did a head exercise during a lull in City of Heroes. I did over 20 minutes of salsa dancing, including both warmup and less structured dancing, after Kitten and I finished teaming for the night. I did the rest of my head exercises and the rest of my arm resistance exercises, both standing and sitting, around the same time as my salsa dancing, too. {Smile}

   I finished writing the day before's daily update after breakfast. Then I caught up on my comics and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming around lunch time -- yes, even earlier than yesterday. Still no sign of Div again, but I found Kitten, and they let me do some paperwork before we teamed up. I found Perogies, too, and said hi, but they seemed busy in a farm. We teamed up with me on the mid-level-ish character we teamed on the day before and started doing missions. Not long after Kitten and I got going, Perogies said hi and asked to join, which I was happy to help with. He was on the villain, but particularly liked the level I was working at, so we teamed up, and kept going until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I found a note from Ulty, and one from Kitten, both on the chat server.  They prompted me to hop into City of Heroes: Homecoming, hoping to see them. I saw Ulty, but not Kitten, so Ulty and I started to roleplay. Then Kitten came in. We shifted to roleplaying-in-missions so Kitten could join us. Perogies came in and joined us too. Then another friend I teamed with a few nights ago came in and joined us as well. After a while, Ulty left, with Perogies so leaving so close after, it was essentially the same time. I changed characters, and Kitten, the other friend, and I teamed for a couple of missions before the other friend left. Then Kitten and I kept teaming right up to time to exercise. {Smile}