On Friday, the nursing company secretary picked up check for the next month. We had a short talk, mainly about talking more in a week or so. {Smile}
I did revise the story more. I need to clean it up a bit, and probably run it by a critique group. As an author, I have one huge disadvantage when editing my own work: I know what I meant to write. When I read it, there's a tendency to read what I meant to say, even if that's not quite what was there. Anyone else is stuck reading what I actually wrote, so they will catch errors I miss until they're pointed out to me. {rueful smile}I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake, and looked at the pictures when they came up. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read and showed the pictures with a Christmas card from a friend, and birthday cards from a cousin and a sister. After that, I continued _Cats on Quilts_. I realized the big blocks of text were past, at least for a while, and read more of the text that was there. Next, I read a story in _Five-Minute Stories: Over 50 Tales and Fables_, "Rapunzel." I ended with the 1st of March's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Chico's Army." {Smile}
In the evening, I did my head exercises, arm resistance exercises, arm swinging exercises, sitting arm weight training exercises, and standing arm weight training exercises. I wasn't as tired as the day before, though I didn't feel so energetic I wanted to try more. {smile}
I spent the morning playing Cross Stitch World. I expected the secretary to come sooner than she did and didn't want to be in anything hard to drop. Eventually I realized how much better I could have used my time and squeezed in finishing the day before's daily update before lunch. Then I played a bit more Cross Stitch World while waiting for the secretary after lunch. That wasn't too long a wait. After she left, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Very quickly, Dr. Faustus said hi and invited me to a meeting of the villain SG he got me into. I switched to that character and attended the meeting. We were mostly chatting, though I did much more listening than talking, myself. I chatted with Pierogis privately when he come in and let him know about my SG meeting. The supergroup ended the meeting by playing one of the new story arcs for villains that was recently released. Then the group broke up, and I went to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I hopped on my computer, and started writing my daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. In the game, I found Darkthough1. We started to chat, then got together for a private roleplaying session. Dr. Faustus messaged me about a mission, but I told him I was busy roleplaying. I did chat with Nox on the chat world. Then Radio joined us, since we were in the shared chat. Phonso asked if we were doing something he could join, but I explained it was just private roleplaying. Meanwhile, I kept roleplaying with Darkthough1. Eventually we wound down and said goodnight. After they left, I said hi to Dr. Faustus, who was still on, but he was just leaving. So, I soloed on the character I was on, going through a few talk-missions that are really best soloed, and one hunt that I could do by myself. Then I did a little Cross Stitch World and made notes to write this update from the next day. {Smile}