On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and they came and took me down to church. the service went nicely, and we had a nice lunch on the lanai afterwards. Then Auntie Barbara took me over to island Naturals, because the second Sunday is their Customer Appreciation Day, when everything which isn't already on sale is 15% off. I checked, and found their raisins and currants cheaper, but their cranberries more expensive than what I found online, even with the sale factored in. So, I got raisins and currants. {Smile}
Then Auntie Barbara took me home, and we found home communion just finishing up visiting with Mom. Our nurse told them how Auntie Barbara can get Mom to sing most of the time, and we got her to sing several songs. The last was "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," Which we even did the gestures with, though that was one mom didn't join in on much. Home communion loved Mom's singing, and said they'd have to do it again. {Smile}I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got in late, but she was awake, and seemed more aware of her surroundings than sometimes. Maybe all the visitors agreed with her. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I offered Mom a choice between _1940's Memory Lane_ and _The Happy Baby Book_. Her eyes were not leaving the baby, so I read the first roughly half of that book, because she was so interested in the babies. After that, I read six short poems, two stories, another poem and another story, all from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 9th of June's poem, "The Dragonfly," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
It may be time to retire some of the history books. I went through them afterwards and found seven. then I realized they were two distinct series. The Memories series has more pictures, fewer words, and generally stick to happy subjects. The Memory Lane series has a chunk to read on most pages, and includes references to the news of the day, even if it was unhappy. It may be well suited to people earlier in dementia, but Mom is in a pretty late stage at this point. I think these need to be retired. I'm wondering about taking them to Life Care Center sometime, maybe when I've restarted physical therapy, so it isn't a special trip just for that. {Smile}
I did my arm resistance exercises 2 times and a partial time each. I decided the lightest band, which I'd picked, was really too light, after using it for the usual set. I tried the medium, and liked it better, so I did another time. I then tried the strongest one, but it was too strong. I also did both my salsa dancing warmup set, and the less structured salsa dancing set. I tried to really mix things up on the last piece. {Smile}
After church, I played Cross Stitch World and read web fiction. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies, Kitten and I got together and teamed up pretty quickly. We ended up doing high level missions together because I misunderstood what Kitten wanted. I thought these were what they wanted, not the slightly lower-level ones they actually wanted. I didn't figure it out until afterwards. Anyway, this took us to time to read to Mom. {smile}
After dinner I read comics, played Cross Stitch World, and read web fiction before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I particularly like to team with was there, so I did paperwork, then took a break to clean myself up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did more paperwork Before I did a little solo play, refreshing contacts and doing hunts until exercise time. I exercised with a big break in the middle where I played Cross Stitch World, watched videos, and read web fiction. Afterwards, I did more of all three. Then I wrote more of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}