Saturday, March 8, 2025

Daily Update, March 7, 2025

On Friday, in the late morning, my main nurse took me to physical therapy. It went particularly well. My time on the machine is back to where it was before I got sick. I also did more exercises in the harness, including some salsa dancing that impressed my main nurse when he walked in on it after he finished errands. 

I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara in the evening. It was nice to catch up with her. We plan to meet at church. {Smile}

My exercise was my physical therapy today. It was enough to make me tired and hungry, so I really shouldn't need more. {Smile}

I browsed web articles before physical therapy. When I got home, I had lunch, during which I played Cross Stitch World and browsed more web articles. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with extended paperwork because I spotted no one I particularly like to team with, plus Friday is a good day to do paperwork that's best done over a weekend. As I was winding down, Dr. Faustus said hi. I joined him for the meeting of the villain supergroup I'm in. Two others came too. The four of us did a flashback of a story arc I'd outlevelled but still wanted to do. I was touched they did that for me. That took me close enough to dinner, I just double-checked the paperwork and chatted with Jenny's Player a little while I waited to be called for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I made notes and wrote in this with a break for reading web comics. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then I began playing by myself on a low-level character. Next, Pierogies joined me. We teamed up for a regular mission and a couple of hunts, and I got Auntie Barbara's phone call. Dennis joined us too. We three chatted. Then we did a regular mission and chatted some more. After that, Pierogies left. Dennis and I played frisbee with a stranger who had a frisbee and chatted a little more before Dennis left, too. Then I did some more paperwork until Phonso invited me to do the new seasonal missions. I joined him and got all the badges on two more unranked badge collectors, though I feared I wasn't getting closer to one, it turned out I was watching the wrong badge. After he left, I did more paperwork. Next, I played Cross Stitch World and watched some videos before finishing my notes in this and squeezing in a little more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}