Saturday was mostly quiet. I stayed home to take care of my illness, My nose was still stuffy and runny, but gradually less. I was getting tired of it anyway. {smile}
After dinner, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara. We made plans to meet at church the next day, even if I had to mask up and go with this bug, which is a lot like a head cold. {smile}
After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my head exercises. After a break, I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises before it got too late. {Smile}
After breakfast, I watched videos and read articles and comics until lunch. I hopped into Vindictus. I didn't find Div, so I did a little with the mercenaries, dn tried playing on my mid-level character. I struggled because she's gotten high enough to do content I can handle better with a second player. However, I got enough done to feel accomplished. I think I tried my low-level character but gave up fairly quick. She was in a tough one, too. So, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming earlier than recently. I found Dennis, and we chatted. then Pierogies joined us and asked for villain missions in a particular zone. We got characters of fairly appropriate inclinations and levels and did a few. We finished the story arc Dennis picked just as we were ready to break up. {Smile}
After dinner, I wrote up Friday's update with shorter breaks for less Cross Stitch World than the previous evening. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I was slow getting going. I started playing by myself. Then I said hi to Meghan, Ulty, and Jenny's player, and talked with them a bit. Then I joined Jenny's Player and Ulty for some roleplaying. As we were still getting going, TheCyberChill asked for help with a mission. Ulty and Jenny's player were interested, so we all joined him and one other helper he'd found. We actually ran two or three missions, finishing that story arc. Then the others left, since it was late for them, and I did some paperwork. Cross Stitch World followed, with making notes here next. Then I got a little exercise. Then I browsed the web and made more notes here before doing more exercise. I finished the evening with a little Vindictus and a few more notes here. {Smile}