Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Daily Update, March 4, 2025

On Tuesday, after breakfast and again after dinner, I did more real-life paperwork. {Smile}

Also, my housekeeper came in the late morning. the house is much better for her attentions. {Smile}

After lunch, my main nurse took me to the public library. I found three books I wanted to borrow, and discovered two more aren't at my library branch. So, I ordered them through the public library system. They'll send a copy of each from some other library in the system. It may not even be the same one. Then my main nurse took me back home. {Smile}

When I got back home, I called my financial adviser. I told her about my recent banking, and a little more expected in the future. With that information, she planned our next steps. {Smile}

Before lunch, my nurse reminded me to do some exercises. He monitored me, noting what I did. I started with my arm swinging exercises, and continued with my arm resistance exercises, three of my sitting arm weight training exercises, my head exercises. My main nurse was very happy with how much I did. {Smile}

In the morning, I played a little Cross Stitch World, but it's less interesting than the more productive paperwork and phone calls I've been doing recently, so I didn't play long. then, around lunch, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a little paperwork and badge collecting. When I got back home from the library, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I started with paperwork and badge collecting. Then Ulty said hi, and we chatted. I learned the teenage supergroup was doing a strike force too high for my character, who's still pretty low-level. However, they were doing it out-of-character, so playing another character wouldn't be as much of a problem as when we're in-character. So, I got a villain, and made her younger, not that it mattered out-of-character, but it fit. We ran the strike force, then broke up. Next, I did a little more paperwork until dinner, which wasn't too far away. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some more paperwork. Then Dennis said hi, and we chatted a while before we teamed up on moderately high-level heroes. We ran a few missions before he left. I also talked with Nox on the chat server a bit. I did some more paperwork until Phonso invited me to more of the new seasonal missions. We joined a bigger group that was getting together and recruited more as it shrank over time. Phonso took it over after we'd gotten one character of each of ours a full set of badges and did a second round on different characters. So, two more of my unranked badge collectors have all the badges from that now. After the second run, Phonso left, and I did more after that paperwork. Then I made notes and wrote in this, with breaks to play a little Cross Stitch World and do some more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}