On Saturday, I got a phone call with nursing company secretary. She got upset when I mentioned some spots of rough skin I had to promise to call my doctor about it on Monday. This was before I realized that some mouth pain was more than bruising from food getting stuck. The tooth pain is currently my top health priority, including my first priority Monday. Then I can see about the doctor after that. Yes, the calls can both be Monday, though I'll try to spread out the appointments. {smile}
I finally ate dinner with Mom again and read to her before dinner. I didn't pay attention to the time, but I was delayed by fixing myself a cup of tea to sip at. Mom was resting but roused with some patting and prompting. She did say she was enjoying this a few times. she enjoyed the readings and the pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. I read the 8th of May's entry first, since it was the earliest, we missed. Then I read today's entry, the 11th of May. I figure with two a day, I'll catch up fairly quickly. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020, guessing where to begin, since it has been a while. After that, I read the next few pages from _the Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. Then I read "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves," from _5-minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. I ended with _366 Stories for Bedtime_, Frist reading the 8th of May's "Rosebud's Day, and then the 11th of May's "Rose, the Sleeping Beauty." {Smile}I did my standing arm weight training exercises, and my arm resistance exercises around dinner. then I did my salsa dancing warmup set, and the less structured set after teaming and soloing in City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}
After breakfast, I read an article, then played Cross Stitch World. then I wrote up Friday's daily update before lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Kitten was unresponsive, and they were the only one of my regular friends there, so, I hopped back out of the game, and cleaned myself up. Then I hopped back into the game. Kitten was responsive this time, so we tried to team up. However, they went unresponsive after a playing for a mission or two. I finished up the easy to solo talks and hunts in the story arc I'd started. Then it was time to read to Mom, so I stopped. {Smile}
After dinner I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I tried to say hi to Kitten and a few others. Kitten was tired, and didn't seem interested in teaming, and no one else responded, so I started to do a talk-heavy, reading-heavy story arc on the same low-level character I'd played on before dinner. I was just getting to the first fighting part when Dennis said hi and joined me. Then I suggested switching to what I'd been working on earlier. We did the last mission of that story arc, and the whole next story arc, which has more fighting and less talking. I also said goodnight to Nox on the chat server. Then Dennis and I switched to high level characters so we could work on an arc Dennis had. We did the first mission. The Kitten went unresponsive, and we had to kick them from the team to go on. We did a couple more missions, finishing that story arc. Then we said goodnight. I got caught up soloing something and started salsa dancing very late; that's why I didn't do more exercises. I watched videos in between and afterwards. Then I wrote some of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}