Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Daily Update. September 24, 2024

 On Tuesday, I sorted out the graphics card and made an order, or so I thought. Somehow, that took all morning. {smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was resting when I went in, but roused quickly enough, I don't think she was asleep. She didn't' rouse fully at first, though. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from last year. After that, I continued _Childhood Memories Picture Book_, but she was still walking up, so I'm planning to re-read that part the next day. Next, I read a story from _5-Minute Mary Engelbreit Fairy Tales_. That she woke up for and seemed to take more interest in it as I went along. I ended with September 24th's story, "The Rhubarb Leaves," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises between reading to om and dinner. Then I did ten of my fourteen walking exercises after playing on City of heroes: Homecoming. After a break, I did the other four walking exercises. I played Cross Stitch World while I mulled over the graphics card question. Then I played more Cross Stitch World to wind down afterwards. After that I had lunch and wrote some of Monday's daily update. Then I talked with British friend on the chat server He tried at great length to improve my graphics situation until I get the new card, but we ran into something each time. He finally gave up because of bedtime but promised to work on it again some other time. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked to Kitten before they faded out, which didn't take long. So I worked on some pretty extensive paperwork. Pierogies helped me see that I could further, so I started on that project the night before, and continued with it then. Then I paused to clean myself up before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming for more paperwork before I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Monday's daily update, then wound down with comics. then I began writing this up and making notes before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started talking with Azurette, a new friend, and Divi, while I did some paperwork. I found out Divi was running a strike force and joined him. I was delighted when I discovered Phonso was in the group too. Then Kitten said hi after the first mission. We were running so fast, I waited until after the group broke up to team up with Kitten. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Kitten and I ran a couple of individual missions, then most of a high-level story arc. Then we said goodnight. I exercised and talked with kitten and my British friend on the chat server both in between the exercise sets and afterwards. I also wrote some of this and made lots of notes in this. {Smile}