Sunday, April 7, 2024

Daily Update, April 6, 2024

    I thought about writing my story, and tried writing more, but it really wasn't working. I realize I want to know more about what it's like to be in a thick fog, so I can describe it in the story. Does anyone know much about that? I'm figuring out other places to ask, too, but might as well as here. {Hopeful Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom roused from her rest when I said hello, and mostly looked at the pictures I showed her while reading. I began with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I started _Memories 1950's_, showed her the front cover, reading her the back cover, then showing a reading the first few pages. Then I continued _Disney Princess 5-minute Princess Stories_ with "The Dragon Boat Race," which was about Princess Mulan. Lastly, I ended with the 6th of April's poem from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Bunny Rabbit." {Smile}

   I started my head exercises in a short lull while teaming with Pierogies, then finished them after I left to exercise. Next, I did my salsa dancing warmup. Then I did my sitting arm weight training exercises, and my arm resistance exercises during my break. Then I did my less structured salsa dancing sets, I estimate that thanks to restarting the second piece due to an alarm, I got in about 21 minutes of salsa dancing between the two sets. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and my standing arm weight training exercises before it got quite too late to do more, especially since I did need another rest. This is the most I've done yet since the finished correcting my root canal. {SMILE}

   In the morning, I read comics, played Cross Stitch World, and maybe an article or two. I also tried what writing I managed on my story, which wasn't much. After lunch, I cleaned myself up. then I hopped into Coty of Heroes: Homecoming and worked on some paperwork I wanted to start. I didn't find anyone on who was available before I noticed folks asking about the later long, large-group event. So, I joined that, followed by a little more paperwork before reading to Mom and dinner. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I tried talking to Ulty, but she was busy. I did talk to Dr. Faustus, and we teamed up. He thought of a story arc unique to Homecoming that the character I picked was the top level for, and we ran it. I also chatted with Nox for a while. Near the end of the story arc, Pierogies came in and we started chatting. He joined Dr. Faustus and me for the last mission and the talk-mission that finished it. Then Dr. Faustus left, and Pierogies wanted to do a mission. That failed, and he suggested working on a badge by running a couple of missions. I tried, but the first time, it didn't work right for me. The second try did work, but I realized it was time to exercise before we even finished the first mission Pierogies said go, so I did my exercises, fitting in more than I have since they completed my root canal. I also wrote this up and squeezed in a little more paperwork. {Smile}