On Monday, I pushed myself to catch up on my daily updates, and actually got two out in one day. There's one missing still, but it's in the computer that I can't get a picture from, so it has to wait until that's fixed. I also worked on cleaning myself up thoroughly, and did all I needed to there, too. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was alert and even talkative. I think I started a little late, but not like Sunday. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I finished _Picture Book of Happy Babies _. She was really interested in the babies, even talking at times. After that, I read three stories from 365 _Animal Stories and Rhymes_, two shorter and one medium length. I finished with the 2nd of September's Poem, "Summer Lament." {Smile}
I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. After playing City of Heroes for most of the evening, I did my arm resistance exercises. Then after a break I did my head exercises. After another break, I did four of my fourteen walking exercises. {Smile}
After breakfast, I finished writing up Saturday's daily update and wrote some more of Sunday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. Then I started making notes for Monday's daily update over lunch. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We started talking, then teamed up with me on the character trying to gain level. We did a mission, then Pierogies joined us. The three of us finished the story arc. Then we started another story arc. Then both left at once, part way through, because Pierogies was fading, and it was plain late for Div. Dennis said hi just after they left. We got the little characters we'd paired up last week and finished a story arc together. Then we ran a mission of mine from another contact, and a mission of his that got us each a badge. I also gained the level I needed to go on from the contact we finished first. I was slightly low-level for the contact he passes folks on to. After this, I left to read to Mom {Smile}
After dinner, I finished Sunday's update and shared it on Facebook and my blog. Then I read some comics before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, and chatting with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Divi. Then I did a little shopping on the internet that I remembered I needed. After that, I discovered I'd missed an invitation from Divi. I looked around for something to do and spotted a taskforce. It was slow recruiting, so I checked with Azurette, and they joined. I also talked with Nox on chat world. We ran the taskforce, then the group broke up. I followed that with some paperwork. Then I shared Sunday's daily update on the chat server, since Nox warned me that I hadn't yet. Then Pierogies came in. We chatted while he farmed. I also did a little more exercise. Then I wrote a little more of this, and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}