After breakfast, I called Uber, and they came and took me to church. I got there early again, which was a bit of a surprise, since I went to be late last night, and got up almost as let this morning, but I guess everything went pretty much right. We had a nice service. {Smile}
I sat at a different table for lunch. Auntie Barbara sat with me, but the other seatmates were different than usual. Then I went home with Auntie Barbara and BJ, who lives near her, and doesn't drive, so she rode with Auntie Barbara today. Auntie Barbara came in to visit with Mom before going home with BJ. *Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when I went in, but opened her eyes when I tapped her shoulder when we got to the pictures and kept them open. She answered at the end. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued with her niece's long family Christmas letter from this year. After that, I continued _1950's Memory Lane_, showing and reading the next few pages. She enjoyed the old pictures. Next, I read more from _The Mother Goose Treasury_, reading the poems, singing a couple where I know the tune, and showing her the pictures again.I was surprised when Mom joined in on "This Old Man." it's not one of our regular songs. I wonder if we should try it more often. I finished with the 17th of December's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Legend of the Polar Bears." Once upon a time, long ago, all bears were brown. A wicked magician was travelling and didn't like seeing dark brown bears against the white ice at the north pole. He told them they couldn't' stay because they didn't match the background. Then he turned them into ice bergs. Some of the bears he hadn't seen covered themselves with snow, hoping he wouldn't notice them, and go away. He did see them, but he chuckled. He said if they wanted to be white bears, they could stay that way, and scattered magic powder on them, turning them into polar bears, which have been white ever since. {Smile}
I did my head exercises later than I meant. Somehow, I was tired to do more... well, tried to do leg and walking, and my arm and shoulder have been uncomfortable, so I'd rather not upset them. {small smile}
After Auntie Barbara left, I cleaned myself up and finish yesterday's daily update. Then I hopped into the game. Pierogies was around, the early long, large-group event was on, or so I thought. So, I joined it and ran it. I hoped to get together with Pierogies, but he left. By then I realized that someone was running a marathon. All I had to do to join the next was go out and join the group, since they didn't break up the group. I did two more, and that was the end of the marathon. They'd done 9 before i got there, for a total of 12. I don't know how the leader did that many. Then they broke up, and I had enough time to catch the later short, large-group event before sorting through the paperwork that had piled up before I read to Mom and made a few notes for this, too. {Smile}
I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after dinner, and got in on the late-night short, large group event when it was in progress. I still got credit f or two runs, which was nice. Then I wrote some of this - a lot more than I usually do. writing up the notes I'd made earlier, and a bit more. Then I said hi to the friends I sometimes talk to on the chat server, letting those who seem interested in teaming that I was going to go into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. Dr. Faustus said he was just going in there, himself. I quickly hopped in and checked paperwork a little. Soon he showed up, and we got together. We ran a couple of individual missions on the character I recently got to the "endgame". I also started chatting with Nox on the chat server. Back on City of heroes: Homecoming, I was wondering about starting a story arc which I'd just done on another character when Dr. Faustus warned me that he had one more mission, and it couldn't be too long. I switched to my highest villain so he could see her, and we ran one of her missions. It was longer than he asked for, but he stuck with me to the end, then left. Then I caught up on the comics I didn't read yesterday or earlier today and did a little badge collecting on my fourth best badge collector. I finished writing this up but think I should wait to share it until tomorrow because it's late again. {Smile}