On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. We arrived just before the announcements. Those started just after we'd taken our seats. It was a nice service.
Afterwards, we had a big lunch. I don't think folks missed the nuts I forgot to take again as much as they would on a Sunday with less food. I sat with my main nurse and Auntie Barbara, along with some other parishioners. Afterwards, my main nurse took me home. {Smile}
After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my arm resistance exercises. After a short break, I did my arm swinging exercises. After a longer break, I did three of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After another longer break, and I did the last sitting arm weight training exercise. after a shorter break, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. That's all my upper body exercises except my head exercises, which I did the day before. {Smile}
After we got home from church, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote up Saturday's daily update. I also read some web comics before my main nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. After some paperwork, I talked to Kitten, who left on a trial before I could get in. Then I joined a longer trial. When Kitten got out of their trial and I was still doing mine, Kitten got in on another trial that didn't fill before I got done. So, I joined, after some confusion about who I wanted to play. The trial filled soon after, and I ran it on my sixth-best badge collector. Then Kitten found another trial which we tried, but it did not go well. It was still going when my nurse called me to dinner. I stuck with the trial until it broke up before going to dinner because I didn't want to make it fall apart by leaving. {Smile}
After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and read web comics before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then found Kitten. We teamed up and began running my missions. Dr. Faustus joined us, and the three of us finished a particularly high-level story arc. Then we switched to a not quite as high-level story arc I had. Kitten went quiet after one mission, but Dr. Faustus and I kept going. He left just before the finale, so I saved the finale for later. I began working on paperwork but soon broke to begin my exercise. Then I did a little more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming before doing more exercise. Next came more paperwork there. I also began making notes and writing in this. then I did more exercise. After that, I made more notes in this before finishing my exercise. I finished the evening with yet more notes and writing in this, more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming, and checking Amazon a bit. {Smile}