Thursday, February 1, 2024

Daily Update, January 31, 2024

    Wednesday, I meant to do more stuff, but I woke up too sleepy. I suspect it was because I got up a few times in the night, and went to bed even later than usual, though not by much. Anyway, I took a nap after breakfast that lasted much of my morning. It left time little time for the other things I meant to do. {rueful look}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sleepy when I got there, and through the early parts of reading, but she woke up more for the stories. I hope that's a sign she likes the stories. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I started _Girl's Day/Boys Day_. However, Mom was so sleepy when I read it, I left the bookmark at the beginning. I thought I'd try again another day. Then I continued reading _Fairy Tales_ with "Hansel and Gretel." I finished off with the 31st of January's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Little Donkey." Pepito, a shaggy little donkey, was hot, tired and bored. He'd been taken from his stable early that morning, and loaded up with baskets full of lavender bag, and bottles of lavender water. Then the little boy who was his master led him to the town square where he tried to sell what he'd bought that morning. Pepito jstu stood with his head and ears down. The smell of lavender reminded him of the honeysuckle in the field he used to live in. Here, the fumes and noise of the traffic made him sick. Then a little girl walking with her mother noticed him. She called him a sweet donkey, and wanted to buy him, so he could live with them in the country, where she was sure he'd be much happier. Her mother agreed, and soon Pepito and his little mistress were enjoying walking in the countryside with its sounds and smells.  {Smile}

   After I finished teaming for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. Then I did my less structured salsa dancing set for a little over 20 minutes of salsa dancing. Later, I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises, but it was really too late to do more. I do need to work on getting more done. {rueful smile}

   I finished yesterday's daily update and read comics between my nap and lunch. I also chatted a little through the afternoon in a chat group Radio just set up. I cleaned up after lunch, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I said hi to Dr. Faustus, Ulty, and Pierogies, chatting a while with Dr. Faustus and Pierogies. Then I teamed up with Pierogies. He picked the Roman zone, and we found a contact there neither of the characters we'd picked had started. We ran the few missions of his first story arc at a leisurely pace, finishing that story arc and setting up a second story arc from the same contact shortly before time to red to Mom. then Pierogies invited me to sit in a farm while I read and ate dinner. I took him up on this, picking a character who could use that. While I was arranging that, Dark came on an said hi. We chatted a little and agreed to get together after dinner and reading. 

   So, after dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dark quickly, and we charted a little. Then we teamed up, and I changed a character's name and costume because the character I was thinking of could have other powers, but the powers they had were almost required for another character I wanted to do. Then we teamed up and did a mission or two. We meant to do more, but Phonso invited us to do a TF, so we switched to higher level characters and ran it. One of the characters I've been upgrading got fully upgraded while I waited for Phonso to recruit a full team, so, the TF was her shakedown cruise. I think she's turning out pretty well. Yes, there's more I can do, but it's more adding options rather than clearly improving her now. I finished her big push. Then I did a bit of paperwork followed by the salsa dancing. Between and after my salsa dancing set, I chatted on the chat server with Nox and Haiden, wrote part of this, hunted badges on the game, and took notes for this to write from the next day. I still got to bed later than I want, but at least I was enough earlier, and slept enough better, I shouldn't need a nap. {smile}