On Wednesday, I stayed home. The rain had stopped, but I had no appointments. I concentrated on processing my country's presidential election results, and the news that even friends overseas were processing those same results, because the USA has long-reaching impacts around the world. All in all, it was a lot to take in and adjust to. I talked to my British friend about it in a conversation too slow to really mention elsewhere. {smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in, despite me boing late again. Mom got drowsy with the reading but woke up when I reached the parts with pictures to look at. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then, I restarted _Picture Book Babies_. After that, I read a story from _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I finished with November 6th's story, "Cold Feet!" in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
I got just over 20 1/2 minutes of salsa done in a warmup set and a less structured set. I hoped to do more, but I was too absorbed in thinking about recent political events. {rueful smile}
From breakfast through much of the morning, I played Vindictus. I stopped before lunch, but too late to clean myself up first, so I browsed the internet over lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then I found Pierogies as he was joining the early long, large-group event. I joined it too and ran it with him. Afterwards, we parted, he to check with his wife, and me to do more paperwork, then clean myself up. I came back to find he'd been free long before I expected him to be. We joined up and ran a couple of missions of mine in a story arc. Dennis joined us partway through. Though the first one ended before time to read to Mom with time to spare, the second ran right past the time, So, I dashed off to read to her. {smile}
After dinner, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update with long breaks for Cross Stitch World and some web browsing. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Dennis and Phonso. Phonso was starting a trial, which Dennis and I joined. Dennis left after one run, but Phonso, I and some of the other folks he recruited ran a second. He's really good at leading them. After the second, Phonso and I said goodnight. I also talked to Nox and Nik on the chat server in a three-way conversation, which was nice. I also did some paperwork and started writing and making notes in this. Then I started my dancing, with Vindictus both between the sets and after the second set. I finished the evening with more writing and making notes in this. {Smile}