On Friday, my main nurse took me to physical therapy, where I learned that they will be discharging me in a week. I guess I've gotten enough better, my insurance doesn't consider more to be "rehabilitative." My insurance only covers "rehabilitative" therapy. Beyond that I had a good session, with lots of exercise, along with discussing some recent problems that my therapist tried to help me solve. Then my main nurse came and took me home. {Smile}
I got quite a bit of exercise done at physical therapy. I doubt I had enough energy to do much more. Yes, they wore me out. That's their job, after all. {Smile}
After we got home, I had lunch. Then I browsed the web and read web comics. Next, I wrote up Thursday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then began playing by myself on a high-level hero. Dr. Faustus said hi earlier than usual on Fridays. The villain supergroup was already starting. I switched to my villain in the supergroup, and we did the first story arc in the next zone after the one we finished last week. Then the meeting broke up, and I did paperwork and played by myself until dinner. {Smile}
After dinner, I began making notes and writing in this, with time-out to read a non-fiction comic book I've mostly been reading over meals. Yes, a comic book can be non-fiction. Like most non-fiction comic books I've seen, this one is about comics. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then I played by myself while I chatted with Ulty, Jenny's Player, and one of my new friends. After that I did some paperwork. I also began talking with Nox on the chat server. Phonso said hi, and invited me to do three trials. we ran them all. Nox and I said goodnight before we were done with the trials. Dragons joined the last trial at the last minute. After the team broke up after the last trial, Dragons and I got low-level characters. We ran a few missions, then two popular low-level story arcs. A couple of friends of Dragons joined during the story arcs. Then they advertised for a full team for the last mission of the second story arc, which is particularly popular. Phonso joined us, and we chatted a little. The group broke up after the second story arc. I did some paperwork and made notes in this with minimal web browsing before bed. {Smile}