On Thursday, my online counselling started during breakfast. I thought it went well. {Smile}
After lunch, I filled out a form and mailed it. Then I called Mom's lawyer's office and got them to start working on her account. I'm kind of embarrassed that I hadn't gotten around to that earlier, but at first, I was focused on getting through the holidays. then I was focused on getting through the funeral. Now that both are past, it's easier to look at other things. After talking to Mom's lawyer's office, I emailed my Aunt Marjorie's friend about how her lawyer and Mom's lawyer can contact each other. {Smile}
A little while later, my main nurse took me to Target. We found containers for sorting papers that he wanted for my office, but not a suitable mug to replace one that got damaged. I'm searching for that online now. {Smile}
I walked around Target enough that I figure I got a fair bit of exercise done that way. Actually, I think I got enough done, I wasn't quite energetic enough for salsa dancing. then, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my head exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my arm swinging exercises. After a break, I did two of my leg exercises.
After counselling I read comics and played Cross Stitch World through lunch. Then I worked on the form. After that, I played more Cross Stitch World until we went to Target. After we came home, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Kitten and Pierogies in a team with a friend of Kitten's that I am acquainted with, and another who is new to me, I think. They were exploring the hidden room, and then another hidden room. Kitten mentioned showing them a semi-secret greenhouse, so I showed them a very similar greenhouse in another zone. Then I tried to show them a special helicopter, but the helicopters I found didn't do what I remembered. We still looked at two helicopters. Then Pierogies left, and the rest tried to catch an enemy helicopter in a different zone, but it disappeared before we could get it. At that point, I got called to donner, so had to leave. {Smile}
After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and wrote up Wednesday's daily update. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I began chatting with Nox on the chat server, and Ulty and Jenny's player in City of Heroes: Homecoming. I also began to play solo on a very low-level character I'd like to get to a higher level. I hope to join a supergroup Ulty and Jenny are starting with that character, and almost all the current members are at least low-middle level, if not higher. The game adjusts so we can play together, but only so much... and I don't want to hold them back. So, I played solo and chatted with Ulty and Nox much of the evening. Then Kitten came in, and we teamed up, both relieved we got to team at least some of the evening. We did a few more missions on my very low-level character, since she's so low, most missions are fast. She's nearing the point where I'll add a couple more levels. That's something, isn't it? After we finished playing, I exercised, talked to Kitten, and did a little paperwork. I also made notes and wrote in this. {Smile}