Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Daily Update February 17. 2025

On Monday, my relief nurse was back, but by the time I got hup, he was feeling kind of sick himself. I was feeling good enough to get up for a regular breakfast - mine are light, but still meals. Then I went right back to bed and slept until lunch. {smile}

I got up for lunch and felt enough better to stay up this time. I even caught up on my medicine in the afternoon. That included my insulin before I fully realized the possible problems of taking long-acting insulin at too different a time of day, since I usually take it at bedtime. I checked online. Two sites said to check with your doctor or medical team. So, I called my doctor's office, but they were out for the holiday. With at least one son still at home, I admire him putting family first on school holidays, which he consistently does. So, I called my usual pharmacy. They said to wait and start at the proper time the next day, better too far apart than a long overlap. I'm actually happier asking this of a pharmacist, since this is their specialty: medicines are all that they do, so they learn them well. {Smile}

Then I began to get back online, first reading web article and webcomics online. Maybe I played a little Cross Stitch World, too. I discovered I lost my phone a while before dinner, and didn't find it until a while after dinner. Not even calling it with my relief nurse's phone helped. The thing would not ring. I eventually found it in the closet in the bedroom the nurses use. Apparently, that's yet another spot to add to the of spots with bad reception in this house, at least for Cricket, my provider. I'm wondering about trying another provider just for better reception. 

I chatted on my computer, and when I found it, on my phone. Eventually, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started out with paperwork, then played by myself until Phonso invited me to a Valentine's mission. We ran that repeatedly. getting all badges but not the big reward for two different characters of mine. After that, I did some paperwork and read webcomics. I also made notes for the past three days before heading to bed a little earlier than I usually do. {Smile}

No, I didn't do any exercise... I was just glad to avoid going back to bed between lunch and bedtime. That's enough for one day. {Smile}

Daily Update February 16, 2025

On Sunday I was definitely still sick, so I didn't even try to go to church. I just stayed home with my main nurse I knew the folks at church would appreciate not needing to deal with some of the symptoms I was still having, as well as not catching it themselves, too. I was getting better, but symptoms continued into the afternoon, and even when they calmed down, I was far too tired to do much beyond eat and sleep. {worn smile}

I certainly didn't try to exercise that day. The illness and the aftermath were more than enough stress for my body to deal with without exercise added to the mix. {rueful smile}

P.S. I promise I got better, but I'll need a break from writing before sharing yesterday. {Smile}

Daily Update, February 15, 2025

On Saturday, February 15, I got sick in the middle of the afternoon. First, I got periods of nausea. I tried to push through them, continuing to play on City of Heroes: Homecoming with my friends. Then it got worse around suppertime. That's when I gave up on anything except dealing with symptoms, cleaning up after myself, and resting in between with encouragement and help from relief nurse. My online friends who knew wished I'd get better soon. {worn smile}

No exercise because I got sick before I got around to anything. Trust me, I was in no condition to exercise once I was sick. {wan smile}

Up until I got sick, it was a quiet day I was browsing the web, reading webcomics articles, maybe playing a little Cros Stitch World both before and after lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming around the middle of the afternoon. I know I got together with Kitten and Pierogies, and later Dennis. I think we started with low-level missions, then moved on to doing a mission Kitten had set up where players can make their own missions. Unfortunately, it's been long enough, I don't remember more clearly what happened when. That got up to dinner, when I was really too sick to do anything except be sick and try to rest for the rest of the night. {worn smile}