On Wednesday, after lunch, I contacted Uber. a gal came and took me to the hospital, where I paid a bill that I'd gotten recently on my way in. Then I found Cardiology and checked in for my appointment. It was with a new nurse practitioner. I like her. She was nice and personable. Even more important, she understood that when a heart patient has diabetes and vertigo, compromises need to be made. Some people just don't get that. {Smile}
After that was over, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me home. The GPS was wonky enough, that involved us texting each other so he could find me. {Smile}I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I came in. She looked at the pictures I showed her and responded sometimes. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I read the next few pages from _The Picture Book of Babies_ . After that, I read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 5th of June's story, "The Lost Ball," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises in Cardiology's main waiting room. They called me into a room as I was finishing up. then, after cleaning myself up after teaming and talking for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a moderate sized break, I did one more salsa dancing piece, for almost 15 minutes of salsa dancing. I'm not back to around 20 minutes yet, and I was too tired afterwards to do another piece, but I'm sure I'll get there. {Smile}
In the morning, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I finished writing Tuesday's daily update before and into lunch. After that I read some comics before going to my cardiology appointment. When I got back,
I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Pierogies. We tried to join the later short, large-group event, but only I got into the zone. The group was full, so I didn't get as much as I hoped out of it. Then I joined Pierogies in waiting for the later long, large-group event, which we ran together. I talked with Dennis, but he was busy. So were we; neither of us were doing things that could be joined in the middle. Afterwards, I watched a video with Pierogies, and talked about it afterwards before going to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I began writing this up, and made a few notes in it. Then I talked with Nox on the chat world a little. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I chatted with Ulty while they got ready to leave for bed. Then I joined a task force, finding a character who needed it. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. I cleaned myself up after Nox left. Then I rested, playing Cross Stitch World, then doing paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I did my salsa dancing, with videos and City of Heroes paperwork in between and afterwards Lastly, I wrote a little of this and made a lot of notes to write from the next day before bed. {Smile}