Friday, December 13, 2024

Daily Update, December 12, 2024

On Thursday, my regular nurse was back when I got up. Durig breakfast, my priest called. Turns out you can't do Facetime on an Android phone, so I listened while she did the short service of blessing Mom's body. It sounded so much like Dad's Last Rites. I can't remember them much when I try, but I recognized them when she said them. {Smile}

After that, I had my regular counselling appointment. I actually checked in slightly early, because I started right after Mom's service. Counselling went, I thought. {Smile}

After dinner, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara. It was wonderful getting to catch up with her, and talk about future plans. {Smile}

After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my head exercises and my arm resistance exercises. 

After counselling, I read comics and browsed the web, then I had lunch, and started on Vindictus. I went straight to high-level character because I wanted to make one level that she was most of the way to so I could use an in-game coupon before it expires. I started doing battles, and pushed myself to gain that level, even finding tougher battles to work more quickly. They were almost too tough, but not quite. and I did gain the level. Then I then did some particularly easy battles to make a quota. Next, I took a break to clean myself up. Wehn I came out, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis and Kitten in a league for going after a winter monster. I tried to join, but missed the join event prompt, so didn't go with them. Pierogies came in while I was waiting for them to finish. Pierogies, Kitten, Dennis and I teamed up with Kitten and Dinnis got done, which wasn't long. then we did five quick holiday-themed missions, though Dennis wanted them even quicker. Next, I said goodnight and headed off to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I struggled to complete Wednesday's daily update. I played a lot of Cross Stitch World, and started notes in this while trying to write my update, but I finally did finish the update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten in a strike force and started playing by myself while I waited for them to finish. I eventually started talking with Ulty, and joined her in a "light role-playing" mission group. Then Kitten got out of her strike force when I was busy in the mission. However, the group seemed to be breaking up, so I waited for them to do so rather longer than I expected. I finally excused myself and went to join Kitten. She joined me in a team but went quiet before we could actually do anything I feel so bad about not responding more quickly. I also talked with Nox on chat server. When Kitten went quiet, I went back to solo play. Then I exercised a little. After that, I made notes and wrote in this. Next, I hopped into Vindictus, mainly to talk with mercenaries. Lastly, I came back out to make notes and write in this before bed. {Smile}