Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Daily Update, October 2, 2023

    Well, a text conversation with the veterinarian's office, plus a couple of phone calls each with Melanie and Alan arranged for Val to have a ultrasound of his heart on Saturday. Alan can take us; Melanie is busy that day. Between them, they took a lot of my morning. {Smile}

   I also got a call from The Fire Ant Guy. He wasn't sure when I'd last contacted him. I wasn't, either, but I'd noticed a note on Friday saying to call him. Well, he said he was coming to town on Friday, and wanted to drop by that afternoon. Works for me. then we discussed where I've seen ants, and what I can do about it. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. First, I read scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued reading Mom's niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I showed her the last several pages of _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_ . She does seem to like those pictures. Then, I read two stories and a few poems from _365 Bedtime Stories and Rhymes_. Last was today's story, "Sam the Jockey," from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Sam was a circus dog who'd been trained to do a variety of tricks, including walking on his hind legs, jumping through a paper hoop, and riding on the back of a circus horse. He loved doing them with his master, and their busy life together. Then one day he was told he was too old to continue. His master took him to a racetrack to console him. There, Sam saw a horse next to the racetrack that reminded him of the circus horse, so he jumped onto it's back. Startled, the horse took off, joining the race and winning it. After that, Sam was invited back to the circus to perform one day a week. {Smile}

   I did my walking exercises, my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after the evening team broke up. Then I did my full salsa warmup: all three pieces for around 8 minutes and 40 seconds. Then I did the first less structured piece and started another. I was almost 1 1/2 minutes into the second piece when I admitted I wasn't up to continuing. That's still 16 minutes and over 10 second of salsa dancing: more than I did yesterday by almost a minute and a half. {Smile}

   I read articles and comics in the morning around the texts and phone calls. Then over lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and got right into a lot of paperwork: so much so, I missed the early short, large-group event. I think I caught the early long, large-group event. Then I did a little paperwork it had made and found Perogies. I was just starting a conversation with them when Div said hi. I had heard from him in a month and a half, and it had been longer yet before that! I was delighted to see him again. We had quite a time caching up. He's hoping to come in more for the Halloween event, which is supposed to start tomorrow, and last slightly into November. That's always huge at City of Heroes: Homecoming, between fun special content and good rewards. {SMILE} We talked a long while, and I talked with Perogies, too. Div still left in time for me to join Perogi3es in the later short, large-group event. then we teamed up for a few of the high-level individual missions with good rewards, switching characters to make sure they all got good rewards. We did that until it was time to read to Mom and feed Val and said goodnight, since Perogies was tired. {Smile}

   After dinner, neither Kitten nor Perogies were on, so I did a lot of paperwork, dragging my heels until I had no excuse not to find someone to team up. I'd gotten into the habit of just teaming with them or maybe Phonso, who wasn't on either, when I was sick, but I was feeling enough better to be ever so slightly daring. Azurette was on, so I started talking with her. So was the new friend who also likes stories. He says to call him qworty, which he often uses as a handle on the net. Eventually we teamed up and did a few missions one of my higher but not very high-level characters had. We broke up when I needed to start my exercises, and qworty needed to go to bed. I did sneak back for more paperwork. Oh! And I discovered Discord, my chat server, wasn't working as we were winding down. I think it was working this morning, but it hadn't been working for at least a few hours. this meant missing stuff from both Nox and Kitten, though Kitten and I still got to talk a little during coffee breaks. {Smile}