On Tuesday, after breakfast, I phoned my church. I told them Kim, my cousin, wanted to be back on their email list. They took her email address down and promised to add it again. Then I texted Kim, to tell her I'd gotten that done. That turned into a nice if short text conversation. {Smile}
I also worked on my story. In the morning, I added a little I just realized really needed to be there. At night, between my salsa sets, I started the second part of the new introduction. It's coming slowly, but at least it's coming. {Smile}I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got there at a typical time. Mom was resting, but opened her eyes and kept looking around, so i think she really was just resting. She seemed interested in what I read and showed to her. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read some cards from her nephew, a cousin, and both of her sisters. After that, I read a couple of pages from _Music stars 1940-1960 Memory Lane_. Next, I read "Thumbelina" from _Five Minute Fairy Tales_. I finished with the 30th of April's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "The Letter-Box." {Smile}
I started my leg exercises between reading to Mom and dinner and finished them after dinner. I also did my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and walking exercises after Nox and TheCyberChill left. Next came a break that went longer than I meant trying to find the point of an infomercial. (I finally gave up.) Then I did my salsa dancing warmup followed by my head exercises. I hoped to do more, but it was late enough, it was time to quit.
After breakfast, around the phone and text conversations, I read comics and articles and watched a little of a video. Then I wrote some of the story and Monday's daily update. Next came lunch, during which I got a note from Div promising to be in City of Heroes: Homecoming, and to team up if I got in soon enough. I dashed right into City of Heroes: Homecoming and found Div. We started talking. Pierogies said hi, too, and promised to be back after he left to eat. Then Div and I teamed up. In our first mission, my character accidentally gained a level I was trying to avoid, so I could finish running out the contact he was the right level for. He missed some of it, but I'm reminding myself other characters can do what he's missed, and now he can move on to the endgame. After that mission, Pierogies joined us for our second mission, and we did a couple more missions after that, I think during the third mission. We did another, then Pierogies left. Div, TheCyberChill and I did another mission or two. Then Div left next. TheCyberChilll wanted me to watch them play a different game, but I needed to break and clean myself up. by the time I finished, it was just about time to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner and my exercises, I found TheCyberChill, and started watching them play the story they wanted to show me. That took up the evening, along with chatting with Nox on the chat server for a fair while. Then I worked on my exercises, with watching videos and writing my story in between and around them. To my disgust, that included one of those infomercials that keep promising to tell you how to get their miracle product, but never get around to it. I think I gave up after half an hour without reaching how to actually get the stuff. I also wrote a little of this and made notes to finish writing this the next day. {Smile}