Sunday, February 11, 2024

Daily Update, February 10, 2024

    Saturday morning, I straightened up the piles of books in my room, moving many to other location, especially two boxes for book that I can try to sell if a friend is interested, or I can get them to a store without paying too much for the trip. That's all I did between breakfast and lunch: rearrange books. It is more open, and hopefully less of an earthquake hazard. Yesterday's earthquake apparently was 6.3. It felt more like a five-pointer, so it must have been further away than usual. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was awake when I came in, and did look at the pictures I showed her, at least a little. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read a few cards, from nephew, her niece, and me. Then I finished _Visions of Scotland_, ending with three postcards that came with the book, even thought they were to me. They still had nice pictures of Scotland. After that, I set aside _Richard Scarry's 5-minute Stories_ because I was worried it would be too long. I read a little booklet called _Where is Home, Little Pip?_ instead, but I'm not sure it was any shorter. I didn't realize until I was far enough into it, I just kept going. Then I finished with the 10th of February's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Waiting for Spring." Becky watched her father dig a big hole in the garden. She asked what he was doing, and he explained he was planting a tree. He explained it looked dead because it was winter, but it would grow new leaves in the spring. She asked about planting her flowers, but he said they should wait until spring, when the earth is warmer. {Smile}

   I didn't do any exercise beyond rearranging the books. There was enough bending, lifting, carrying, and bending to put them down, it didn't feel necessary. {Smile}

   After lunch, I played Cross-Stitch World, then cleaned myself up, then played Cross-Stitch World a bit more before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I talked with Dr. Faustus, who said he was in a taskforce, but wanted to talk afterwards. I talked to Michiel, who joined me for a few missions on low-level characters. Next, Michiel left for dinner. So, I talked to Dr. Faustus again. He told me about a supergroup he was arranging, for villains with an urban fantasy theme. He invited me to bring in a character. I thought the demoness with a pet gang would qualify, so I got her, and we ran a few missions, along with first one friend of his, then two. This took me up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked around, did some paperwork, read some comics, and started writing this outside the game. I was in an odd mood, so I got ready to run a few missions solo on the low-level character who'd teamed up with Michiel earlier. Then I realized Darkthough1 was finally on. So, we got together to roleplay. This continued for the rest of the evening. I did say goodnight to Nox, and chat very briefly with Kitten. I also made notes for this to write from the next day. {Smile}