I forgot to mention that on Sunday I used a stronger band for my arm resistance exercises. I was able to do the same number of repetitions, but I was definitely ready to stop at the end. {Smile}
Anyway, on Monday I tried to find and or download some free information from my financial adviser before lunch. that didn't seem to work out, so I called my financial advisers, and talked to the secretary about getting new copies. She found out what I was looking for, and said they'd call me back. The secretary called me back pretty quickly to say the information was old enough, they were going to update it. They will send me the updated information when it was ready. {Smile}
I did some abdominal and pelvic floor tucking during the day. Then I did my arm resistance exercises with the tougher bad while waiting to roleplay joining the supergroup. Then I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises during a pause while playing by myself later. When I was winding down on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my salsa dancing warmup with abdominal and pelvic floor tucking. After a break, I did two less structured salsa dancing pieces, for just over twenty and a half minutes that evening. {Smile}
After breakfast, I read comics, browsed on Amazon, and played Cross Stitch World before I looked for the free information from my financial advisers. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World before I called my financial advisers. Then I made more notes in this and wrote up Sunday's daily update. I took breaks to play Cross Stitch World. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked with Ulty. Pierogies said hi, and we teamed up. We worked on slightly higher but still low-level characters. Mine gained a level as we worked through Pierogies' missions until Kitten came on. Then we teamed up to do a Valentine-themed mission which will be available for a limited time. We did the hero version and got two badges, except Kitten, who got all the five badges available from it earlier. We ran it again, but didn't get another badge. Next, Dennis came in, so we ran it again, getting him a badge. It took two or three more tries to get him the second badge. Then we did the villain version twice. We got one more badge, and I tracked progress with another badge both times. I think a fifth badge requires you to get the other four before you can try for it. Anyway, that took me up to supper. {Smile}
After supper, I made more notes in this and played Cross Stitch World before going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked with Ulty. I arranged for my low-level character to join her teenage supergroup "in character." Then I exercised and talked with Kitten while waiting. When they were ready, my character met a character of Ulty's, an alternate character of Jenny's Player, and a character of a friend of theirs They began to show me around the base, then left when they all realized they were tired. After that, I tried to team up with Kitten, but they were tired, and had a busy morning ahead, so they went off to sleep. I played by myself on a different low-level character, getting them up a level and through a story arc. I paused in the last mission to exercise, do some salsa dancing, and make more notes in this. After I finished the mission, I did some paperwork before I did more salsa dancing. Then I watched part of a video before finishing up writing and making notes in this. {Smile}