I texted the secretary at the nursing agency, and she called to clear up a misunderstanding. When she said that I was "good to go," she meant that I didn't have to mask up and distance with Mom anymore. Somehow, I missed that. {Smile}
I texted with our housekeeper, too. She would have come today, except for a splitting headache. She hoped it would leave in time to let her come this afternoon, but I guess it didn't. She did say she'd come Monday if not, so I'm hoping to see her then. {Smile}
I also text chatted with Perogies, who wanted to know what level Kitten's and my warshades were. I assured him they were 20. He said he'd worked his up that morning to 20, too. That's the level we all needed to be for the next story arc from the special warshade-only contact. {Smile}
I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Since it was my last day of catching up, I started with Tuesday, September 26th's entry, then read today's entry, Saturday the 29th's. Next, I started reading Mom's niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then, I finally got back to picture books, showing her the first several pages of _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. I'd gotten it as a treat for Mom, since she does love both children and animals, but it arrived while I was sick, so this is the first reading. Next, I ended with two stories from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. The first was _The Wild Rabbit_, the September 26th story. Ben was a wild rabbit, happily living in the forest with his many friends, where he ran free. If he sensed danger, he'd drum with his hind legs, and all the rabbits would run for cover. Sometimes he visited his cousin, who lived in a hutch next to a vegetable garden. He was very well fed, and said that life was easy, but Ben was glad to run free. The second story was the September 30th story, _The Visitor_. Tom tried to call his dog, Lucky, off from where he was barking, jumping up and down in excitement. A large hedgehog had gotten stuck in the gate. Tom wanted to keep it, but his mother freed it, saying it lived free, and that Lucky would chase it. Tom had to agree. {Smile}
I did my walking exercises after the one higher level mission with Kitten. Then I went straight to my salsa dancing without much of a break. I did the piece I did the last two nights, and didn't even feel winded, though I did think I'd better rest. I took care of Val, then did the second piece, which is slightly longer and distinctly quicker. That time, I was winded... but hey, it adds up to around 6 minutes, 30 second between the two of them, which is better than 3 minutes 10 seconds, right? {SMILE} After another short break, I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, my standing arm weight training exercises, my leg exercises, and
I read comics and articles in the morning, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming around lunch time. I started with paperwork, and soon found myself chatting with Perogies, who was hoping to join the early short, large-group event. I joined him when I finished the paperwork... folks were gathering, but no one was recruiting at first. Then the leader arrived, and started collecting the group, including both of us. We ran the group, and then split up. he had things to do, and I needed to clean myself up. After cleaning myself up, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Perogies and Kitten were already both there on their Warshades, so I grabbed mine, too. We started the arc we'd all worked our level up for, and ran most of it that afternoon, breaking only when it was time for me to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and found Perogies all ready. I think I had to message Kitten on the chat service, but that worked nicely, and we three teamed up again to finish the last couple of missions in that special warshade story arc. We only gained one level, but the settings were low. The next special warshade story arc is level 25, so I see more regular story arcs in our near future. {Grin} Then Perogies headed to bed, and Kitten switched to their favorite character to help my lowest level character gain a couple of levels. He was so low (5th level) that he had to check in every month to keep his name reserved. At level six, it goes from 30 days to 90 days, with 20 going to 365 days, and 50 being reserved no matter how long they're offline. 90 days is a lot easier to catch than 30, I find. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. When the little fellow had the couple of levels I wanted for him, we switched to one of my level 44s, and did one mission before breaking for me to exercise. We chatted minimally on the chat server, too. I also slipped in a little paperwork and even less soloing between exercises. {Smile}