On Thursday, I had my video counselling an hour later than usual. I usually would have waited a week. When I couldn't, she fit me in where we could, and that's the time slot that fit. I think the appointment itself went well. {Smile}
I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake again when I went in and stayed awake right through the reading. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read four cards, one from her nephew, one from cousin, and one from each of her two sisters. Then I continued sharing the pictures in _Childhood Memories Picture Book_. I'm glad she was awake to look at the pictures again. After that, I read a couple of stories - or two parts of a longer story - in _Richard Scarry's 5-Minute Stories_. I ended with November 14th's story, "The Flying Dog," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}
After playing on City of Heroes much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. I tried to do the new exercise while dancing once I remembered, about two minutes into the warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing. It was a little over 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, and I think the last piece was fast, and not short, which should count for something, too. After that, I did my head exercises. Then I realized I was tired and stopped exercising. It was getting late anyway. {Smile}
Over and after breakfast, I played Vindictus until it was time for my counselling appointment. After the appointment, I played more Vindictus. When I stopped, I had a late lunch. After lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I joined Pierogies in the middle long, large group event. Afterwards, I teamed up with Pierogies to do some individual high-level missions. Kitten joined us during them. Then all three of us joined the later long, large-group event. After that, I quickly left to read to Mom because it was time. {Smile}
After dinner, I began writing and making notes in this. Then I wrote up Wednesday's daily update, with a break for a comic and videos. Next, I made some notes in this and read some comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork while talking with Ulty and Jenny's Player. When I finished the paperwork, I still hadn't found a friend who seemed free to team up, nor one I could join. So, I got a low-level character I'd like to see higher in level and asked if anyone would like to join me in a channel for folks looking to get together with others. I mentioned what level I was, and two joined me quickly. We ran through a regular mission and a few hunts. Then one left. The other stayed, and Kitten joined us for another regular mission. Then the other stranger left. We ran out the content at that level, and started stuff that can help my character go up. Then I started my dancing. I watched videos and made a few notes in this before more dancing and other exercise. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do some paperwork before finishing writing and making notes in this. {Smile}