Monday, March 24, 2025

Daily Update, March 23, 2025

On Sunday after breakfast, my main nurse took me to church. We settled in at the end of the announcements. That included putting the jar of nuts on the table for afterwards. Yes, I finally remembered to take them. I sat with my main nurse during the service. Afterwards, at lunch, I sat with my main nurse and a few other parishioners. After lunch, my main nurse took me home. {Smile}

A while after dinner, I did the walking exercises except for the ones where I lift my knees high, because my legs need at least a partial rest day after those and just didn't want to be committed to one. {Smile}

After we got back from church, I began writing up Saturday's daily update. I also browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World before I finished writing up Saturday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up with the help of my main nurse. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player. Finding them busy, I played by myself on a high-level character. Then I caught the later long, large-group event. Afterwards, I did more paperwork. Next, I teamed up with Dennis for one mission before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I read web comics. Next, I exercised. After that, I made notes and wrote in this before I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty a bit, and Jenny's player a lot over the course of the evening. I also tried to talk with Nox on the chat server, but we mostly missed each other. Most of the evening, I collected badges, first on my fifth-best badge collector, then on my sixth-best badge collector. Then I made more notes in this and browsed the web. Back in City of Heroes, Homecoming, I talked with Sonarr__ the friend I mentioned who streams at They were on a team run by an acquaintance of mine who streams on Twitch as Mollymauk76. I finished making notes in this before bed. {Smile}