On Monday, a while after breakfast, I contacted Uber. they came and a guy came and took me to the appointment to get new hearing aids. They didn't call me quickly, so I checked the time. Turns out the appointment was for 11:30 am, not 11 am like I thought. They took me at 11:10 pm and took over half an hour to fix up the new hearing aids.
When I was done, I contacted Uber again, and they came and a different guy came and took me to Longs Drugs, where I picked up some ginger capsules, since Amazon is running late delivering what I ordered, and I was almost out. Then I contacted Ube, and yet another fellow came and took me home. {Smile}
I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got there late, and she was sitting up when I go there, but rested during the longer story. She did need prompting to look at some of the pictures, but she did look with reminders. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued reading her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I read her the front and back covers and first few pages of _1960s Fashion in Pictures_. Then I read "The Musicians of Bremen" from _Five Minute Fairy Tales_. My last reading was the 22nd of April's story from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "A Strange Dream." {Smile}
I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises while I waited for Uber. Then I did my walking exercises, all 12 long exercises and 2 short exercises, but only half of the long exercise and the short exercise that tired me so much yesterday. This left me enough energy to do my arm resistance exercises right after that. Then, after teaming for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set for around 20 minutes of salsa dancing.
After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World until I left to get my new hearing aids. When I got back, I had lunch, during which I started reading more articles, playing more Cross Stitch World, and reading some comics. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update before cleaning myself up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I usually like to. the later long, large-group event was over half-finished and didn't have space to add me to the group. I felt my character was too low to join them separately, so I waited. It finished before space cleared for me, and I got together with Pierogies. We ran 3 quick missions on our little ones before I left to read to Mom.
After dinner and my exercise, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty, and she was delighted to chat a bit before saying goodnight, since she was leaving soon. Then I said hi to Mysty, but she was busy with friends, so we only chatted a little. I also said hi to Dr. Faustus, who was working through a quick taskforce (A few taskforces are quick; most are longer, and a few are quite long.) So, I soloed a bit. I also began to chat with Nox a little on the chat server. I said hi to Dr. Faustus again when I noticed he was solo. He was happy to team up now that he was free. We started working on catching me up in the story arc we've been working on, since I'd fallen behind. Dennis joined us, and Kitten said hi, but decided they were too tired to play with us. Dr. Faustus, Dennis, and I finished the story arc. Then Dr. Faustus left, and Dennis changed characters so we could start catching one of his up with mine with an unrelated contact. Then I paused for paperwork, and Pierogies said hi. We squeezed in a mission before my exercises. Then I read articles and watches videos around the exercises. Afterwards, I wrote a little of this, and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}