Saturday, July 29, 2023

Daily Update, July 28, 2023

    I wrote an email to our financial adviser, in partial follow-up to our recent phone calls. {Smile}

   I also got a nice phone call from our former nurse today. It was lovely to hear from him again. He'd been away, and when he got back, he was just too tired to call for a couple of days. Today he was feeling better, so we were able to catch up with each other. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I started with scripture and thoughts about it, then began to read more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then the phone call interrupted me, but I came back fter, and reread what I'd read before, finished that entry, and read another. Then I read the last several pages of _1960s Memory Lane_. Next, I showed her the next picture book I intend to read next, _Classic Fashion 40s 50s Memories_, and read her the blurb on the back. I did this in part to make up for skipping reading from _Five-Minute Fairy Tales_. I was late, and I wanted to get to dinner. So, I just finished with the July 28th story "Peter's Night Out," from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Peter was walking home with his mother and told her he wanted to catch a shooting star for her. Then he saw stars in a lake and snuck out to try fishing for them. His mother found him asleep by the lake, curled up with their dog for warmth. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, walking, and the new-to-home leg exercises right after dinner. I did the arm swinging exercises and arm resistance exercises after a short break. I did my head exercises and my sitting arm exercises while I was writing this up after playing and reading comics. That meant getting them done later than I should, but at least I got them all done. {Smile}

   I read articles after breakfast, then caught up with the comics I missed yesterday, and teh new ones for today, too. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming midafternoon, but earlier than yesterday. I found Perogies right off, and we started chatting. Then bowlofdro told me that the later short, large-group event was nearly ready. I shared it with Perogies, and he dashed off and got into it, but I somehow thought of the later long, large-group event, and went there first. Then I realized, and tried to join, but the zone was full, so I went back to the later long, large group event, and joined it. I even became a team leader in the group, as a 50 who arrived and didn't object to leading a team. I ran it on my fifth best badge collector, not that I got or thought I'd get any badges. Afterwards, I chatted with Perogies some more before breaking to read to Mom. {Smile}

   I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, but between all the exercises, and the phone call delaying dinner, it was unusually late when I got back to the game. The few people on who I'd have liked to team with were slow to respond at best, and some were on full teams already, so I looked for a pick-up group, and joined one doing a fairly high-level task force. We were more thorough than fast, so that took me late enough, I went back to reading comics, even catching up completely with one which I've been reading for months. That felt good, somehow. Then I wrote this up, doing the rest of my exercises, too. {Smile}