Monday, I tried to call my financial advisers. I left a message on one of their answering machines; I'll have to do more soon. {Smile}
I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was already alert when I said hello, and mostly looked at the pictures I showed her while reading. First, I began reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Then I finished _Memories 1950's_, reading her the next several pages. Next, I picked out _The Picture Book of Vintage Vogue, showing her the covers, and random samples. I promised to start it properly tomorrow. After that, I continued _Disney Princess 5-minute Princess Stories_ with "Tiana's Growing Experiment," which was about Tiana from _The Princess and the Frog_. Lastly, I ended with the 8th of April's poem from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Friendly Slow-Worm." {Smile}I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. then I did my salsa dancing warmup after I was done teaming. I did my sitting arm weight training after that, in a sort of break before doing my less structured salsa dancing set. then I finished off with my standing arm weight training exercises. I finally came up with a new way of counting the weight training, with letter instead of numbers without each repetition. I was getting lost with numbers for both the repetitions and within each repetition.
I read articles and comics and played Cross Stitch World after breakfast. Then I finished Sunday's daily update before and into lunch, then played more Cross Stitch World and read more comics. Next, I cleaned myself up before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked around, and found the later long, large-group event most of the way through the introduction. I joined quickly, catching the tail end of the introduction, and all the rest that followed, which is where the best rewards are. Afterwards, I did a little paperwork, then left to read to Mom. {Smile}
After dinner, I started writing this up before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Kitten, and tried to get their attention. Then I fell asleep right in my chair for a bit, an accidental nap. I woke and got kitten's attention this time. They invited me to the April Fools large-group event that they were using to get a few more levels on a character. Yes, that's still going on, despite folks expecting it to end a week ago. Now some think it will end Monday (meaning today). I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Kitten and I played it until Kitten reached the level he wanted to. Then we left. I suggested starting with high-level individual missions. Kitten suggested inviting a particular friend. It took a little to get them to join us, but we ran two of those missions. Then Pierogies joined us, claiming insomnia, and the friend we'd been playing with left for bed. Next, I picked a story arc I had. Pierogies had a lot of trouble getting to the area, but we persevered. He got there eventually, and we did a couple of missions, finishing the story arc just when I wanted to start my salsa dancing. We chatted in between the salsa dancing sets, while I was doing my sitting arm weight training exercises. We also chatted a little more later, but not much. I also wrote more of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}